Guide to plumbing

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Это руководство в первую очередь пригодится химикам или тому, кто решит поиграться с трубами.

В общем: Сантехника это создание фабрик для автоматизации производства химикатов, в основном, огромных количеств метамфетамина лекарственных препаратов.


Сантехника это система для создания всякого дерьма химических фабрик. "Сантехника" на самом деле не отражает суть занятия, так как вы будете делать химические заводы, а не туалеты.

Сантехническая система состоит из трёх основных частей: Подача, сеть труб и проситель. Подача поставляет химикаты через сеть труб в машину, которая "запрашивает" их. Механизмы этой системы имеют разъемы, к которым трубы будут автоматически подключаться; красные порты отвечают за приём, синие за отдачу. Один механизм может как отдавать, так и принимать химикаты. Если два аппарата стоят вплотную друг к другу, то они подсоединятся без необходимости укладки дополнительных труб.

Максимальная скорость передачи - 10 юнитов в две секунды.

Nduct n w.png Жидкостные трубы

Их можно сделать в автолате или найти в химической лаборатории. Просто кликните ими на нужный тайл для установки. При нажатии в руке можно выбрать цвет и слой, Разные цвета и слои не будут соединяться автоматически. Вы можете насильно соединить разноцветные трубы перетянув кликом одну на другую, держа в руках гаечный ключ. Для объединения разных слоёв придётся использовать специальный адаптер.

Для разборки труб используйте гаечный ключ.


Сантехническая физика может быть не совсем тем, чего вы ждёте. Благодаря технологии давления, в трубах не будет остатков реагентов. То есть, химикаты переносятся мгновенно от поставщика к приёмщику.

Если машина содержит 5 воды, 5 сахара и 5 маннитола и машина-проситель запрашивает 5 юнитов, то она получит 5 юнитов воды от первого запроса. Обычная химия передала бы 1.66... воды, 1.66... сахара и 1.66... маннитола. Это может выглядеть нелогично, но это необходимо для продвинутых фабрик.


Большая часть сантехнических механизмов доступна для создания при помощи особых сантехнических RCD (пламберов), которые есть в хим. лаборатории или медицинском техфабе. Разобрать эти аппараты можно сваркой. Изменить слой труб можно используя модификацию слоя вантузом.

Помните, если механизма нет в пламбере, это еще не значит, что он не принимает химикаты. Дым-машина одна из них. Развлекайтесь.

Plumbing synthesizer.png Синтезатор

Эти паршивцы создают стандартные химикаты, прямо как хим. раздатчики. Вы выбираете количество (от 1 до 5 юнитов) и сам реагент, который выделяется каждые 5 секунд. Им необходима действующая сеть для отдачи, чтобы работать, так как синтезаторы хранят всего одну дозу.

Plumbing reaction chamber.gif Реакционная камера

Незаменимый инструмент для обеспечения чистоты реакций. Просто установите химикат и его количество - реакционная камера начнет закачку всех выставленных реагентов (начиная с верхнего). Невероятно полезно, без неё не обойтись, разве что вы не против, если ваша фабрика не будет помещаться на станции.

Желтый порт принимает кислотный буфер через второй слой труб, а зеленый - щелочной буфер через четвертый слой. Когда pH превышает установленный порог кислотности, он будет применять кислотный буфер до тех пор, пока снова не достигнет порогового значения. То же самое для щелочного буфера. Камера создается без буферов. Реакционные камеры также имеют реакционный объем. Он будет сохранять реагенты в состоянии стазиса до тех пор, пока не будет достигнут нужный порог, а когда реакция закончится, они будут отправлены в механизм-проситель.

Plumbing buffer.gif Automated bufferer

Basically a cooler reaction chamber, apart from the fact it requires an insane amount of space and is inferior in every other way (except it makes cool beeps)

Very often you'll want to react three chems, where two of the chems are easily synthesizable and the third is not. The bufferer will allow you to 'wait' till all reagents are present. Simply make sure they are next to each other and then screwdriver them. If succesful, all connected chambers will briefly flash yellow. You can also set a threshold to when a bufferer is marked as 'ready' by right clicking one. If a bufferer does not have enough reagents, it will flash red; if a bufferer has enough reagents, but the other chambers do not, it'll flash yellow; if all bufferers are ready, they will flash green and start emptying until one goes below the threshold again.

Plumbing acclimator.gif Acclimator

The automated brother of the chemical heater. You simply give it a temperature and it will heat or cool its contents. You should set Allowed Temperature Difference to something aswell. It wont empty till it reaches the target temperature, wich takes extremely long if you want it precise. Setting Allowed Temperature Difference to 4 and target temperature to 379 means it will heat to 379 but start the emptying phase at 375.

The acclimator will not empty until all of its contents reach the desired temperature, which can be painfully slow if it's drawing new chems as it works, or attempting to reach an extreme temperature. To alleviate this, the Allowed Temperature Difference setting will allow the acclimater to release its contents within a certain range of temperature. For example, if the target temperature is 300k, and the ATD is 5, chems will start to be released once the machine reaches 295k or 305k.

The acclimator's holding capacity can also be manually lowered, to avoid the buildup of leftover chems. If you're heating chemicals that are deposited in batches of 3u, consider setting the capacity to a number divisible by 3.

Just like the reaction chamber, the acclimator cannot fill and drain simultaneously, to avoid leftover contaminants.

Plumbing grinder.png Chemical Grinder

Sucks grind-able plants placed on its tile and extract their reagents. Use a conveyor belt on the same tile or empty a plant bag unto it.

Plumbing filter.png Filter

A simple filter. Give it one or two chemicals, and those chems will be rerouted to the filter's side, allowing everything else to pass straight through.

Plumbing splitter.png Splitter

Got 15 of a reagent and only want 10? This cheap machine allows you to do just that. Set it to a 10 to 5 ratio and it will send 10 through and 5 left.

Plumbing disposer.gif Disposer

The simplest machine of all, the disposer breaks down any and all chemicals that enter it into nothing. Use it to dispose of any leftovers you don't want in the system.

Note that chemical reactions can occur inside the disposer.

Plumbing pill press.gif Chemical Press

The different tabs of the pill press menu.

This is where the fun begins. Choose a setting and it'll constantly pump out either pills, patches or bottles with whatever it's supplied with.

Chem bottler.gif Chemical Bottler

Puts reagents into containers, like bottles and beakers. The bottler takes empty containers on the side opposite its input direction and dispenses them towards its input direction (where the red pipe is).

Chem fermenter.png Chemical Fermenter

Plumbing version of the fermentation barrel. Turns plants into various types of booze.

Plumbing tank.gif Tank

Technically not a machine, the tank simply holds up to 400u of any chemicals.

Plumbing input.png Input

Accepts manual chemical input. Pour something into it from a container to add something new to the system.

Plumbing output.png Output

Accepts manual chemical output. Simply grab a beaker and fill it up with whatever's in the network.

Liquid pump.gif Liquid Pump

Can be wrenched to geysers in-order to extract chemicals. Does not need to be powered.

Chemical Beacon.gif Chemical Beacon

Essentially a plumbing teleporter. Chemical Beacons send their reagents to a Chemical Recipient they've been connected with. To connect: Hit the Chemical Recipient with a multitool and then all subsequent Chemical Beacons with that same multitool. Multiple Chemical Beacons can be used with one Chemical Recipient. Note that the Chemical Recipient is bluespace tech and needs to be printed from the medlathe and constructed. Chemical Beacons do not need power, but Chemical Recipients do. Ideal for transporting geyser chems.

Plumb IV donating.png Automated IV Drip

A modified IV drip with plumbing connects. Reagents received from the connect are injected directly into their bloodstream. Blood that is drawn goes to the internal storage and then into the ducting. Draws on red mode and injects on blue mode, similarly to an ordinary IV drip.


In addition to the machines, there are a few pieces of equipment available for chemists wanting to be plumbers. Including these and probably a few more I forgot.

Plumbing Constructor.png Plumbing Constructor

The magical plumbing RCD. It can construct the basic plumbing machinery; click on it in hand to select what to build. It can also deconstruct plumbing machinery (but not ducts) by whacking it. Alt click to change the machines main ducting layer.

The plumbing constructor requires matter units to function. If it runs dry, simply add more sheets of metal or glass. You can see how many matter units are left in the Plumbing Constructor my examining it.

Can also be constructed in a medical techfab.

Plunger.png Plunger

All of the basic plumbing machinery can be plungered to empty their contents on the floor; simply use the plunger on them to flush them clean. Can be very useful if you got some machines that need to be emptied quickly, or for solving clogs. Can be printed in the medical and engineering lathe.

You can use the plunger in-hand to toggle to layer mode. You can now select a layer with alt and turn machinery to that layer.

Plumbing geyser.png Geysers

Scattered around lavaland are geysers, a limitless source of chemicals. Luckily miners can scan these for mining points, at which point they will become visible on a GPS and easily trackable for you.

Geysers are active by default, and you can give them a taste-test with a beaker if you so desire

Each geyser produces a single chemical. Current loot table: - Wittel geyser: 16% chance. Wittel doesn't do anything, but can make chems so powerful you can turn the station into uranium or make 400hp super zombies - Random geyser: 5% chance. Works like botanies strange seeds or the pills in maint. Can have anything, from beer to plasmaman mutation toxin - Plasma-oxide: 26% chance. Useful for certain stabilizers in bomb-making - Protozine: 26% chance. A weak variant of omnizine. Works in strange reagent crafting - Hollow water: 26% chance. Reacts with holy water to make more holy water (yes you can make infinite strange reagent with geysers)

This table is bound to get outdated (or not since I'm the only one making this shit and I also maintain this wiki page), Guide to Chemistry is very updated, simply look for chemicals that are created by geysers for the most recent overview.

Tips for your Industrial Revolution

  • Resist the urge to crank every single synthesizer to 5u. Many recipes require different amounts of each ingredient, such as a 1u/1u/3u mixture.
  • Even if you aren't making reactions, reaction chambers are invaluable for being able to pull precise amounts of specific chems out of a network.
  • If you're lazy, connecting a ton of tanks to one another from both ends can create an enormous buffer of basic chems that you can simply have reaction chambers pull from. Be careful of accidental reactions!
  • pH can be a factor in large-volume chemical reactions, or reactions with multiple steps. If you're struggling with pH, try reducing the volume of your reactor chambers and acclimators. You can also deliver buffer reagents directly into reactor chambers via the alternate pipe layer, though reactors sometimes struggle with temperature-dependent reactions.
  • A lazy way to avoid using buffers is to add a lot of chems to a reaction with the needed pH. If you've got a basic reaction that needs to be more acidic, just add a lot of hydrogen instead of acidic buffer. Useful for when making a buffer factory isn't worth it for small scale projects
  • Plumbing constructions that make Atmospheric Chemical smoke like CO2 smoke, N2O smoke, Oxygen smoke or unstabilized phlogiston reactions can be used for making more valuable gasses with nothing but a box of iron walls with one reinforced Plasma-glass window or as a ghetto Gas Miner since atmos chemicals release trace amounts of gas when spilled, "spilling atmos chems" also includes making a Atmospheric Chemical foam or smoke factory.
Guidestemp.png The /tg/Station Library
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