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  1. Pickaxe →‎ Shaft Miner#The Gear
  2. Pico-Manipulator →‎ Research items#Pico-Manipulator
  3. Pipe Dispenser →‎ Atmospherics items#Pipe Dispenser
  4. Pipe cleaner →‎ Guide to wire art
  5. Pipe cleaner art →‎ Guide to wire art
  6. Pirate →‎ Пират
  7. Plants →‎ Guide to hydroponics#Plants
  8. Plasma →‎ Плазма
  9. Plasma/potential earth like equivalents →‎ Плазма и земные элементы с похожими характеристиками
  10. Plasma Cutter →‎ Research items#Plasma Cutter
  11. Plasma Tank →‎ Atmospherics items#Plasma Tank
  12. Plasmamen →‎ Plasmaman
  13. Plasteel →‎ Guide to construction#Plasteel
  14. Plumbing →‎ Guide to plumbing
  15. Podmen →‎ Podman
  16. Podpeople →‎ Guide to races#Podpeople
  17. Podperson →‎ Guide to races
  18. Portable Flash →‎ Security items#Portable Flash
  19. Portable Pump →‎ Atmospherics items#Portable Pump
  20. Portable Scrubber →‎ Atmospherics items#Portable Scrubber
  21. Portable pump →‎ Atmospherics items#Portable pump
  22. Portable scrubber →‎ Atmospherics items#Portable scrubber
  23. Posibrain →‎ Positronic Brain
  24. Positronic Brain →‎ Позитронный мозг
  25. Positronic brain →‎ Positronic Brain
  26. Poster →‎ Posters
  27. Potassium Iodide →‎ Guide to chemistry#Potassium Iodide
  28. Potassium iodide →‎ Guide to chemistry#Potassium Iodide
  29. Potato Juice →‎ Guide to food and drinks#Potato Juice
  30. Power →‎ Guide to power
  31. Power Cell →‎ Engineering items#Power Cell
  32. Power Monitoring Console →‎ Computers#Power Monitoring Console
  33. Power Storage Room →‎ Engineering#Power Storage Room
  34. Power cell →‎ Engineering items#Power Cell
  35. Power cells →‎ Engineering#Power Storage Room
  36. Powercell →‎ Engineering items#Power Cell
  37. Powersink →‎ Syndicate Items#Power Sink
  38. Prescription glasses →‎ Clothing and Accessories#Prescription Glasses
  39. Prisoner →‎ Заключенный
  40. Prisoner Management Console →‎ Computers#Prisoner Management Console
  41. Processor Unit →‎ Machines
  42. Protolathe →‎ Guide to Research and Development#Protolathe
  43. Proximity Sensor →‎ General items#Proximity Sensor
  44. Proximity sensor →‎ General items#Proximity Sensor
  45. Psychologist →‎ Психолог
  46. Pubby →‎ PubbyStation
  47. Public Garden →‎ Garden
  48. QM →‎ Quartermaster
  49. QM's Office →‎ Quartermaster's Office
  50. Quad-ultra micro-laser →‎ Research items#Quad-Ultra Micro-Laser

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