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For the Guide to Genetics, click here.

Science Area
Where genes are altered.
Obvious exits Research Division
Purpose Researching superhuman abilities
Access level
Noteworthy contents DNA Scanners, DNA Scanner Access Consoles and a monkey pen
Clearance Captain, Research Director, Geneticists
Security level Medium
Style Laboratory
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Jobstemp.png Локации на /BANDA/station

RD has control over genetics.

Geneticists work here. There's also a batch of monkeys for genetic experimentation.

For the Guide to Genetics, click here.

Science Area
Where genes are altered.
Obvious exits Research Division
Purpose Researching superhuman abilities
Access level
Noteworthy contents DNA Scanners, DNA Scanner Access Consoles and a monkey pen
Clearance Captain, Research Director, Geneticists
Security level Medium
Style Laboratory
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Jobstemp.png Локации на /BANDA/station

RD has control over genetics.

Geneticists work here. There's also a batch of monkeys for genetic experimentation.

For the Guide to Genetics, click here.

Science Area
Where genes are altered.
Obvious exits Research Division
Purpose Researching superhuman abilities
Access level
Noteworthy contents DNA Scanners, DNA Scanner Access Consoles and a monkey pen
Clearance Captain, Research Director, Geneticists
Security level Medium
Style Laboratory
Balance Requirements
Other Notes
Jobstemp.png Локации на /BANDA/station

RD has control over genetics.

Geneticists work here. There's also a batch of monkeys for genetic experimentation.