Bitrunner domains

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Причина: "Screenshots are from StrongDMM and the page is poorly written."

Virtual domains are the places where bitrunners can go through a bitrunner pod.


  • These images are from the game's mapping editor, StrongDMM.
  • This means that modular domains will not have their modules loaded in.
  • The drunken miner domain is not included since it is a copy of the ash drake domain.


What the different icons in the images mean.

  • Rainbow swanky guy or Human with SIMPLE HUMAN written on it = Enemy spawner
  • Crate with BIT above it = Bitrunning cache/loot spawn
  • House with eyes = Your safehouse
  • Dead body with DEAD above it = Corpse spawner
  • Binary turf = Domain bounds
  • Gun with a question mark above it = Armory contraband spawner


Abductor ship domain
Ash drake domain
Beach bar domain