Космический закон: различия между версиями

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BlueToolbox.pngThis page is an IC guideline that can be used to grant you protection from undue escalation/admin punishment if followed in good faith. For example, when making the choice to execute a criminal per Capital punishment, the Captain's authorization grants your actions a layer of legitimacy IC - even if that requirement isn't enforced OOC.BlueToolbox.png
While everything on this page is only a guideline, the sections regarding what grants permissable lethal force, executions, or permanent brigging will keep you on the right side of good sportsmanship if followed more strictly than the others.

Space Law is a collection of rules and regulations enacted by Nanotrasen which has oversight through CentCom and is enforced by the Sec Officers on the station. Space Law applies to all ranks and positions on station, from the lowliest Assistant to the highest Captain, all are equal under the eyes of the Law and ultimately answer to her.

The rules and regulations herein are not absolutes, instead they exist to serve mainly as guidelines for the law and order of the dynamic situations that exist for stations on the frontiers of space, as such some leeway is permitted.

Справочник по кодам преступлений

Используйте её, чтобы быстро найти номера кодов преступлений или свяжитесь с другими офицерами и уточните номер предусмотренный за конкретное преступление.

Коды преступлений состоят из кодов категорий (_XX), которые представляют собой совокупность схожих преступлений в одной строке для удобства использования, с префиксом в виде номера тяжести (X__).

Справочник по кодам преступлений
Код Малозначительное правонарушение - 1XX Средней тяжести - 2XX Тяжкие преступления - 3XX Особо тяжкие - 4XX Предусматривающие смертную казнь - 5XX
X01 Нарушение спокойствия Нападение Нападение с использованием летального оружия Покушение на убийство Убийство
X02 Жестокое обращение с животными Нападение на офицера
X03 Распространение дезинформации Бунт Подстрекательство к беспорядкам Промывка мозгов Мятеж
X04 Захламление Вандализм Саботаж Грандиозный саботаж
X05 Неповиновение Неисполнение обязанностей Пособничество и подстрекательство Враг корпорации
X06 Посягательство Взлом и проникновение Взлом и ограбление на запретной территории
X07 Проникновение в зону повышенной безопасности
X08 Владение оружием Владение оружием ограниченного поражения Контрабанда
X09 Хранение наркотиков Хранение взрывчатых веществ
X10 Мелкая кража  Кража Кража в крупных размерах
X11 Похищение
X12 Непристойное обнажение Создание опасности на рабочем месте Убийство по неосторожности
Наказание Бриг - 5 Минут, Каторга - 1 очко, Штраф - 100 кредитов Бриг - 10 Минут, Каторга - 300-500 очков, Штраф - 300 кредитов Бриг - 17 Минут, Каторга - 500-800 очков Пермабриг, Изгнание, Имплантация Пермабриг, Изгнание, Имплантация, Киборгизация, Казнь

Значения кодов

  • X01, X02 - Насильственные преступления
  • X03 - Преступления, связанные с нарушением общественного порядка
  • X04 - Преступления, связанные с уничтожением имущества
  • X05 - Преступления, связанные с лояльностью корпорации
  • X06, X07 - Преступления, связанные с проникновением
  • X08, X09 - Преступления, связанные с незаконным хранением
  • X10, X11 - Преступления, связанные с кражей
  • X12 - Нарушение правил поведения

Interpretation of the Law

A good working knowledge of Space Law is important for any person on the station. It can be the difference between a shiny pair of handcuffs and sipping Gargle Blasters in the bar. While it is unlikely that the officers will listen particularly closely to your protestations, citing it may be enough to lighten your sentence and avoid ill treatment by security.

For certain crimes, the accused's intent is important. The difference between Assault and Attempted Murder can be very hard to ascertain, and, when in doubt, you should default to the less serious crime.

When determining sentencing, only time based on the worst crime committed, plus modifiers, without stacking multiple offenses. An exception to this rule is made for repeat visits to the brig: for those, you can elevate sentencing by one tier. For example, two brig visits for mischief can elevate to a misdemeanor, two visits for misdemeanors to a felony, and two visits for a felony to a grand felony.

Aiding a criminal makes you an accomplice; you can be charged with the same crime as the person you aided in the case of Grand Felony and Capital crimes.

Arresting Procedure

Standard Operational Procedures for arrests are as follows:

  1. Inform the criminal that they are wanted, and why they are wanted. This is void if they are visibly armed, or in in the process of committing a crime, including trespassing in a high security area.
  2. If compliant, cuff and transport the prisoner to the brig immediately and without harming them, and proceed to brigging procedures. You may utilize departmental security outposts to search compliant suspects or prisoners.
  3. If resistant to arrest, use your nonlethal weaponry until such a situation may prompt use of lethal force, detailed below. If successful, transport the prisoner immediately to the brig and begin brigging procedure.
  4. You can use the security hailer mask to request a moving criminal to stop, and the special pen in security PDA's to prompt a surrender to assist you.

Brigging Procedures

Standard Operational Procedures for brigging are as follows:

  1. Take the prisoner to the brig and inform the Warden of their crimes so their Security Record may be updated.
  2. Take the prisoner to a brig cell, set the time and activate the timer.
  3. Enter the cell with the prisoner in tow, open the cell locker and hold the prisoner over it.
  4. Empty their pockets and remove their gloves, backpacks, tool belt, gas masks, and any flash resistant equipment such as Sunglasses, Welding Masks/Goggles, Space Helmets, etc.
  5. Buckle the prisoner to the bed.
  6. Search the items removed and be sure to check the internals box in their backpack.
  7. Confiscate any contraband and/or stolen items, as well as any tools that may be used for future crimes.
    These are to be placed in evidence, not left on the brig floor or your personal use, until they can be returned to their rightful owners.
  8. Close the locker and lock it.
  9. Stun the prisoner, remove their cuffs, stun them again, pick up the cuffs then leave the cell.
  10. Modify their brig sentence for sparking a hunt, or good behavior, if applicable.
  11. Upon release, ensure that they are marked as "Discharged" with your SecHUD, in the event they end up in the brig again.

The Warden or Head of Security is responsible for placing/ordering prisoners be placed in permanent confinement.

  1. Permanent Prisoners are to be completely stripped of their belongings, which are to be held in either evidence or a prison locker.
  2. The prisoner is to be dressed in an Orange Prison Jumpsuit and Shoes, which are found in the prison lockers.
  3. Permanent Prisoners are not permitted to possess any personal belongings whilst they are incarcerated in the Prison Wing.
    1. The Labor Camp can also be used to hold Permanent Prisoners. Simply do not issue a prisoner ID when transferring them to the camp.

Legal Representation and Trials

Prisoners are permitted to seek legal representation however you are under no obligation to provide or allow this.

Lawyers, and by extension the Head of Personnel, exist to serve as a guiding hand and the voice of reason within the judicial process, however they have zero authority over the brig, security personnel, prisoners, or sentencing.

The Lawyer's security headset is a privilege not a right. Security personnel are under no requirement to listen to them and security channel abuse is to result in that privilege being revoked.
If the lawyer continuously acts as a disruptive influence Security are fully permitted to confiscate their access, remove them from the brig and bar their future access to it.

In instances where a conflict of opinion arises over the sentence of a prisoner the chain of command must be followed. This goes, from top to bottom: Captain > Head of Security > Warden > Sec Officer / Detective.

Trials shouldn't be performed for Timed Sentences, mainly for the benefit of the accused - as trials will often run many times the length of the actual sentence.
Trials may be performed for Grand Felony or Capital Crimes, however there is no requirement to hold them. Forensic Evidence, Witness Testimony, or Confessions are all that is required for the Head of Security, Warden or Captain to authorize their sentence.

Use of Deadly Force

As a member of the stations Security force you are one of the best armed and protected people on the station, equipped with the almost latest in non-lethal takedown technology.

It is for this reason that the situations that warrant the use of Deadly Force are few and far between, in the grand majority of circumstances you will be expected to use your stun weapons to diffuse a situation.

There are a few circumstances where deadly force is permissible:

  • Full Deterioration of Order - full blown mutinies, cults, hostile boarding parties, and Space Wizards automatically authorize lethal force against them in order to swiftly quell the chaos and bring the station back to order.
  • Non-Lethal Weapons Ineffective - certain targets are impervious to NLWs, such as Mechs, Xenomorphs, Borgs, and Hulks. Lethal force may be used against these targets if they prove hostile.
  • Severe Personal Risk - sometimes getting close enough to a target to slap the cuffs on will create significant personal risk to the Officer.
    • Criminals in hostile environments such as space, fire, or plasma leaks also fall into this category, as do criminals believed to be in possession of high explosives. Ranged lethal force is the only reasonable option in these conditions.
  • Armed and Dangerous - if a suspect is in possession of weapons, including stun weapons, and you have reasonable suspicion that they will use these against you, lethal force is permitted. Although in the majority of cases it is still preferable to attempt to detain them non-lethally.
    • Unauthorized personnel in the armory are considered by default to be Armed and Dangerous, maximum force is permitted to subdue such targets.
  • Multiple Hostiles - it can be extremely difficult to detain multiple hostiles. As a last resort if you are being mobbed you may deploy more lethal means to disperse the crowd and preserve your own wellbeing.

Additionally, in the event of an attempted prison break, Security may fire lasers through the glass. They are expected to first fire a few warning shots before unloading their weapon into the target.


Crimes that can result in 3 minutes of brig time, 1 point in the labor camp, or paying a fine to the arresting officer instead, to a maximum of 100 credits. A repeat trip to the brig due to committing these can result in elevating the sentence to a misdemeanor.

Code Crime Description Notes
109 Drug Possession.png Drug Possession To possess space drugs or other narcotics by unauthorized personnel. Botanists and MedSci staff are authorised to possess drugs for purposes of their jobs and are not subject to this law so long as they are not distributing or using them for profit or recreation.
112 Indecent exposure.png Indecent Exposure To be intentionally and publicly unclothed. Running around the station naked. The mutual degradation of chasing a naked man down while he screams is only worth it on slow shifts.
106 Trespassing.png Trespass To be in an area which a person does not have access to. This counts for general areas of the ship, and trespass in restricted areas is a more serious crime. Remember that people can either break in, sneak in, or be let in. Always check that the suspect wasn't let in to do a job by someone with access, or were given access on their ID.
105 Insubordination.PNG Insubordination To disobey a lawful direct order from one's superior officer. A charge issued by a head of staff to one of their direct subordinates. The person is usually demoted instead of incarcerated or fined. Security is expected to assist the head in carrying out the demotion.
104 Littering.png Littering To litter the station interior with trash, blood, gibs, oil, vomit, and other rubbish. People who bleed and seek medical attention are not littering. Dragging a dead body without a body bag falls here.
108 Deadly Weapon.PNG Possession of a Weapon To be in possession of a dangerous item that is not part of their job role. Items capable of a high level of damage, such as saws, axes, and hatchets fit into this category. Do remember that if it is an item that is part of their job they are permitted to carry it.
103 Disinformation.png Spreading Disinformation To maliciously spread disinformation among the crew. Unintentional/accidental disinformation does not count. News channels spreading disinformation should be marked with a D-Notice. The culprit can have their Radio, PDA, and Newscaster access restricted.
101 Disturbing.png Disturbing the Peace To disturb the station's or crew's peace. Disorderly conduct, creating excessive noise over the radio, or attempting to goad people into conflict can be considered disturbing the peace.


Crimes that can result in 5 minutes in the brig, 300-500 points in the labor camp, or a a fine of up to 300 credits paid to the arresting officer. A repeat trip to the brig due to committing these can result in elevating the sentence to a felony.

Code Crime Description Notes
201 Assault.png Assault To use physical force against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. Depending on the amount and kind of force used, severe instances should be elevated to attempted murder. Assaults with deadly weapons are a higher crime.
203 Rioting.PNG Rioting To partake in an unauthorized and disruptive assembly of crewmen that refuse to disperse. It is required to order the crowd to disperse, failure to disperse is the crime not the assembly.
212 Workplace Hazard.PNG Creating a Workplace Hazard To endanger the crew or station through negligent or irresponsible, but not deliberately malicious, actions. Good examples of this crime involves accidentally causing a plasma leak, slipping hazard, accidently electrifying doors, or breaking windows to space.
210 Petty theft.png Petty Theft To take items from a person, or an area one does not have access to or to take items belonging to the station as a whole. Keeping items which are in short supply where they belong is what is important here. A doctor who takes all the surgical tools and hides them still commits theft, even though he had access.
206 BandE.PNG Breaking and Entry Forced entry to areas where the subject does not have access to. This counts for general areas, and breaking into restricted areas is a more serious crime. Crew can still be charged with breaking & entry even if they do not enter the area themselves.
204 Vandalism.PNG Vandalism To deliberately damage the station with malicious intent. Sentence depends on quantity of property damaged.
208 Lethal Weapon.PNG Possession of a Restricted Weapon To be in possession of a restricted weapon without prior authorisation, such as: Guns, Batons, Flashes, Grenades, etc. Any item that can cause severe bodily harm or incapacitate for a significant time. The following personnel have unrestricted license to carry weapons and firearms: Captain, HoP, all Security Personnel.
The Barman is permitted his double barrel shotgun loaded with beanbag rounds.
Only the Captain and HoS can issue weapon permits.
202 Acruelty.png Animal Cruelty To harm or kill animals. Harming is justified if it is self-defence. Livestock, pests, and monkeys can be killed for scientific or culinary purposes.
205 Dereliction.PNG Dereliction of Duty To willfully abandon an obligation that is critical to the station's continued operation. A demotion is often included in the sentence. Emphasis on the word critical: An officer taking a break is not dereliction in of itself. An officer taking a break knowing that operatives are shooting up the Captain is. Engineers who do not secure a power source at the start of the shift and heads of staff who abandon the station can also be charged.


Crimes that can result in 8 minutes, or 500-800 points in the labor camp. A repeat trip to the brig due to committing these can result in being permanently imprisoned, or a permanent stay at the labor camp.

Code Crime Description Notes
301 Assault Deadly Weapon.PNG Assault With a Deadly Weapon To use physical force, through a deadly weapon, against someone without the apparent intent to kill them. Any variety of tools, chemicals or even construction materials can inflict serious injury in short order. If the victim was brutalized beyond critical, consider charging them with attempted murder.
302 Assaulting an officer.PNG Assault of an Officer To use physical force against a Department Head or member of Security without the apparent intent to kill them. Criminals who attempt to disarm or grab officers while fleeing are guilty of this, even if bare handed. Officers should refrain from using lethal means to subdue the criminal if possible.
312 Manslaughter.PNG Manslaughter To unintentionally kill someone through negligent, but not malicious, actions. Intent is important. Accidental deaths caused by negligent actions, such as creating workplace hazards (e.g. gas leaks), tampering with equipment, excessive force, and confinement in unsafe conditions are examples of Manslaughter.
309 Possession Explosives.PNG Possession of Explosives To be in possession of an explosive device. Scientists and Miners are permitted to possess explosives only within the Science department.
303 Inciting Riot.PNG Inciting a Riot To attempt to stir the crew into a riot Additionally to the brig time the offender will also have restrictions placed on their radio traffic and be implanted with a tracking implant. For second offences or outright instigating violent uprisings consider charging with Mutiny.
304 Disrupting power.png Sabotage To hinder the work of the crew or station through malicious actions. Deliberately releasing N₂O, bolting or electrifying doors, disabling the power network, constructing barricades, and destroying nonvital machinery are but some of many means of sabotage. For more violent forms, see Grand Sabotage.
310 Theft.PNG Theft To steal restricted or dangerous items Weapons fall into this category, as do valuable items that are in limited supply such as insulated gloves, spacesuits, and jetpacks.
Note that Cargo breaking open crates to illegally arm and armor themselves are guilty of theft.
307 Major Trespass.PNG High-Security Trespass Being in a restricted area without prior authorisation. This includes any Security Area, Command area (including EVA), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins Research. Being in a very high security area, such as the armoury or the Captain's Quarters, is a more serious crime, and can be elevated to Grand Felony if intent is believed to be malicious.
305 Resisting Arrest.PNG Aiding and Abetting To knowingly assist a criminal, including by interfering with a lawful arrest. Knowingly assisting a criminal is a crime. This includes but is not limited to: Interfering with an arrest, stealing a prisoner in transit, breaking a prisoner out of the brig/prison, hiding a fugitive, or knowingly providing medical care without informing security.
306 BE Restricted.PNG B&E of a Restricted Area This is breaking into any Security area, Command area (Bridge, Captains Quarters, Teleporter, etc.), the Engine Room, Atmos, or Toxins research. As a felony, sentences start at 8 minutes, but can be immediately elevated to a Grand Felony if security has legitimate cause to believe the break in was for attempted Grand Theft or attempted Grand Sabotage.
308 Contraband.png Contraband To possess highly dangerous contraband items. Possessing or using tools, weapons, and other objects sourced exclusively from enemies of the corporation. Consider charging the criminal with Enemy of the Corporation instead if you have evidence to show they are working against the interests of Nanotrasen.
311 Kidnapping.png Kidnapping To kidnap a person or hold them hostage. Holding anyone somewhere against their will without legitimate reason counts for this. Unlawful arrests are considered kidnapping.

Grand Felonies

Crimes that can result in permanent incarceration, exile, or parole after serving a timed/labor camp sentence and being fitted with tracking, anti-teleportation, or chemical implants. Criminals can be sentenced to execution if they have established themselves to be uncontainable by available means.

Code Crime Description Notes
401 Attempted Murder.PNG Attempted Murder To use physical force against a person after that person is in a critical state with the apparent intent to kill them. Remember, if a person attempts to render first aid after the victim falls into a critical state they may not have intended to kill them.
404 Compromising Station Integrity.PNG Grand Sabotage To engage in maliciously destructive actions, seriously threatening crew or station. Bombing, arson, releasing viruses, unauthorized tampering with the station's AI unit, sabotaging the supermatter engine, destroying vital machinery during an emergency, or deliberately exposing large areas to space all count as Grand Sabotage. If the sabotage resulted in deaths of station personnel, consider charging the criminal with Murder as well.
410 High value target theft.png Grand Theft To steal items of high value or sensitive nature.
Syndicate agents frequently attempt to steal cutting-edge technology. Examples include: intelligence or research samples, slivers of the supermatter crystal, the blackbox, or the Captain's ID.

This is by no means a exhaustive list of items that are high value to the syndicate; when in doubt use common sense when you see certain items that are stolen that can cause massive problems throughout the station. Remember if something is locked up in a secure area it probably should not be taken without prior permission.
405 Antag skum.png Enemy of the Corporation To act as, or knowingly aid, an enemy of Nanotrasen. Current enemies of Nanotrasen currently include: The Syndicate (through secret agents, boarding parties, and brainwashing specialists), The Wizard Federation, The Changeling Hivemind, psychotic Mansus-seeking Heretics and The Cult of Nar'Sie.
403 Brainwashing.png Brainwashing To brainwash or enslave people against their will. Brainwashing surgery, heretic ghouls, syndicate hypnosis, and illegitimate forced cyborgification fall here. The brainwasher is additionally held accountable for every crime a brainwashed person has committed.

Capital Crimes

Crimes that can result in permanent incarceration, exile, cyborgification or, with Captain's authorization, execution.

Code Crime Description Notes
501 Murder.PNG Murder To maliciously kill someone. Punishment should fit the nature of both the crime and the criminal. Murder committed by temporary emotional distress, such as fear or anger, can be argued to warrant lower punishments. Cyborg candidates must have brains fit to obey relevant laws. Life imprisonment is the most humane option for the insane who might malfunction as cyborgs.
Unauthorized vigilante field executions are classed as Murder.
503 Mutiny.PNG Mutiny To act individually, or as a group, to overthrow or subvert the established Chain of Command without lawful and legitimate cause. Mutiny is not as clear cut as it may seem, there may be a legitimate reason for their actions, such as their head of staff being utterly incompetent. This is one of the few crimes where it is recommended to always seek a third party opinion. If their actions are determined to be for the betterment of Nanotrasen consider a timed sentence or even a full pardon.

Modifiers & Special Situations

Situation Description Modification

Resisting Arrest

To not cooperate with an officer who attempts a proper arrest. Follow proper arrest procedure and have a legitimate cause to arrest in the first place before you modify timers for this. Suspects who scream bloody murder while being arrested are not cooperating. +2 Minutes to sentence time.

Cooperation with prosecution or security

Being helpful to the members of security, revealing things during questioning or surrendering yourself once informed that you are wanted. -2 Minutes to sentence time.


Getting de-converted from being a revolutionary, cultist, or any other kind of brainwashing or mental condition. Immediate release.
Self Defense Self Defense is defined as "The protection of oneself, the protection of thy colleagues, and the protection of thine workplace".
Do note however that persons intentionally getting involved in fights which occur in a department that isn't theirs is an act of vigilantism, this is not permitted.
Immediate release.

Immediate threat to the prisoner

The singularity eats something near the brig, an explosion goes off, etc. Officer must relocate the prisoner(s) to a safe location; otherwise, immediate release.
Medical reasons Prisoners are entitled to medical attention if sick or seriously injured. Medical personnel can be called, or the prisoner can be escorted to the Medbay.
Escape from Brig If a prisoner flees confinement for any reason other than to escape impending lethal danger (fire, hull breach, murder), reset their timer to their full original punishment. Reset timer.