Шаблон:Autowiki/Content/Techweb: различия между версиями

(Autowiki edit @ 2024-12-12T12:14:01.862Z)
Метка: отменено
(Autowiki edit @ 2024-12-13T04:34:36.503Z)
Метка: ручная отмена
Строка 7: Строка 7:
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Botany Equipment|description=Essential tools for maintaining onboard gardens, supporting plant growth in the unique environment of the space station.|prerequisites=|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Экстрактор семян (плата)|description=The circuit board for a seed extractor.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Анализатор растений|description=A scanner used to evaluate a plant's various areas of growth, and genetic traits. Comes with a growth scanning mode and a chemical scanning mode.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Лейка|description=It's a watering can. It is scientifically proved that using a watering can to simulate rain increases plant happiness!}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Лопатка|description=A small tool for digging and moving dirt.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Рыхлитель|description=It's used for removing weeds or scratching your back.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Секатор|description=It's a tool for cutting grafts off plants or changing podperson looks.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Топорик|description=A very sharp axe blade upon a short fibremetal handle. It has a long history of chopping things, but now it is used for chopping wood.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Botany Equipment|description=Essential tools for maintaining onboard gardens, supporting plant growth in the unique environment of the space station.|prerequisites=|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Экстрактор семян (плата)|description=The circuit board for a seed extractor.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Анализатор растений|description=A scanner used to evaluate a plant's various areas of growth, and genetic traits. Comes with a growth scanning mode and a chemical scanning mode.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Лейка|description=It's a watering can. It is scientifically proved that using a watering can to simulate rain increases plant happiness!}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Лопатка|description=A small tool for digging and moving dirt.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Рыхлитель|description=It's used for removing weeds or scratching your back.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Секатор|description=It's a tool for cutting grafts off plants or changing podperson looks.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Топорик|description=A very sharp axe blade upon a short fibremetal handle. It has a long history of chopping things, but now it is used for chopping wood.}}}}

{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Cafeteria Equipment|description=When standard-issue tubed food no longer satisfies the station crew's appetite...|prerequisites=|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Гридль (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Griddle.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Микроволновка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a microwave.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Миска|description=A simple bowl, used for soups and salads.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Тарелка|description=Holds food, powerful. Good for morale when you're not eating your spaghetti off of a desk.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Протевень|description=Gotta shove something in!}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Поднос|description=A metal tray to lay food on.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Щипцы|description=So you never have to touch anything with your dirty, unwashed hands.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Ложка|description=Just be careful your food doesn't melt the spoon first.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Вилка|description=Pointy.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кухонный нож|description=A general purpose Chef's Knife made by SpaceCook Incorporated. Guaranteed to stay sharp for years to come.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пластиковая ложка|description=Just be careful your food doesn't melt the spoon first.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пластиковая вилка|description=Really takes you back to highschool lunch.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пластиковый нож|description=A very safe, barely sharp knife made of plastic. Good for cutting food and not much else.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Шейкер|description=A metal shaker to mix drinks in.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Стакан|description=Your standard drinking glass.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Рюмка|description=A shot glass - the universal symbol for bad decisions.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пустой кофе-картридж|description=Пустой кофейный картридж, готовый к заполнению кофейным помолом.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кофемашина (плата)|description=The circuit board for a coffeemaker.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кофейник|description=A large pot for dispensing that ambrosia of corporate life known to mortals only as coffee. Contains 4 standard cups.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Бутылка сиропа|description=A bottle with a syrup pump to dispense the delicious substance directly into your coffee cup.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Cafeteria Equipment|description=When standard-issue tubed food no longer satisfies the station crew's appetite...|prerequisites=|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Гридль (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Griddle.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Микроволновка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a microwave.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Миска|description=A simple bowl, used for soups and salads.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Тарелка|description=Holds food, powerful. Good for morale when you're not eating your spaghetti off of a desk.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Протевень|description=Gotta shove something in!}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Поднос|description=A metal tray to lay food on.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Щипцы|description=So you never have to touch anything with your dirty, unwashed hands.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Ложка|description=Just be careful your food doesn't melt the spoon first.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Вилка|description=Pointy.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кухонный нож|description=A general purpose Chef's Knife made by SpaceCook Incorporated. Guaranteed to stay sharp for years to come.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пластиковая ложка|description=Just be careful your food doesn't melt the spoon first.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пластиковая вилка|description=Really takes you back to highschool lunch.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пластиковый нож|description=A very safe, barely sharp knife made of plastic. Good for cutting food and not much else.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Шейкер|description=A metal shaker to mix drinks in.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Стакан|description=Your standard drinking glass.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Рюмка|description=A shot glass - the universal symbol for bad decisions.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пустой кофе-картридж|description=A blank coffee cartridge, ready to be filled with coffee paste.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кофемашина (плата)|description=The circuit board for a coffeemaker.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кофейник|description=A large pot for dispensing that ambrosia of corporate life known to mortals only as coffee. Contains 4 standard cups.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Бутылка сиропа|description=A bottle with a syrup pump to dispense the delicious substance directly into your coffee cup.}}}}

{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Construction|description=Tools and essential machinery used for station maintenance and expansion.|prerequisites=|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Древний принтер плат (плата)|description=The circuit board for an ancient circuit imprinter.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Принтер плат (плата)|description=The circuit board for a circuit imprinter.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Управление солнечными панелями (плата)|description=Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a solar control console.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сборка солнечной панели|description=A solar panel assembly kit, allows constructions of a solar panel, or with a tracking circuit board, a solar tracker.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника солнечного трекинга|description=Looks like a circuit. Probably is.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Модуль контроля питания для ЛКП|description=Heavy-duty switching circuits for power control.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника воздушной сигнализации|description=Looks like a circuit. Probably is.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника шлюза|description=Looks like a circuit. Probably is.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника пожарной сигнализации|description=A fire alarm circuit. Can handle heat levels up to 40 degrees celsius.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника пожарного шлюза|description=A circuit board used in construction of firelocks.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника контроллера люка|description=A sinister-looking controller for a trapdoor.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Контроллер взрывных дверей|description=A small electronic device able to control a blast door remotely.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Большой манипулятор|description=The circuit board for a big manipulator.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Краситель плиток|description=An airlock painter, reprogramed to use a different style of paint in order to spray colors on floor tiles as well, in addition to repainting doors. Decals break when the floor tiles are removed.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Краситель шлюзов|description=An advanced autopainter preprogrammed with several paintjobs for airlocks. Use it on an airlock during or after construction to change the paintjob.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Краситель декалей|description=An airlock painter, reprogramed to use a different style of paint in order to apply decals for floor tiles as well, in addition to repainting doors. Decals break when the floor tiles are removed.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Устройство быстрой укладки проводов|description=A device used to rapidly lay cable & pick up stray cable pieces laying around.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Связка проводов (x5)|description=A coil of insulated power cable.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сварочный шлем|description=A head-mounted face cover designed to protect the wearer completely from space-arc eye.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сварочный инструмент|description=A standard edition welder provided by Nanotrasen.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сканер T-ray|description=A terahertz-ray emitter and scanner used to detect underfloor objects such as cables and pipes.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Газоанализатор|description=A hand-held environmental scanner which reports current gas levels.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Мультитул|description=Used for pulsing wires to test which to cut. Not recommended by doctors. You can activate it in-hand to locate the nearest APC.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Гаечный ключ|description=A wrench with common uses. Can be found in your hand.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Карманный лом|description=A small crowbar. This handy tool is useful for lots of things, such as prying floor tiles or opening unpowered doors.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Отвёртка|description=You can be totally screwy with this.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кусачки|description=This cuts wires.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Лампочка|description=A replacement light bulb.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Световая трубка|description=A replacement light tube.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сигнал перехода (плата)|description=The circuit board for a tram crossing signal.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сенсор путепровода (плата)|description=The circuit board for a tram proximity sensor.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный разгрузчик ящиков|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственная плавильная печь|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный измельчитель|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный сборочный автомат|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный станок|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сортировочный маршрутизатор конвейера|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный маршрутизатор|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Mail Sorter|description=The circuit board for a mail sorting unit.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Construction|description=Tools and essential machinery used for station maintenance and expansion.|prerequisites=|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Древний принтер плат (плата)|description=The circuit board for an ancient circuit imprinter.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Принтер плат (плата)|description=The circuit board for a circuit imprinter.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Управление солнечными панелями (плата)|description=Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a solar control console.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сборка солнечной панели|description=A solar panel assembly kit, allows constructions of a solar panel, or with a tracking circuit board, a solar tracker.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника солнечного трекинга|description=Looks like a circuit. Probably is.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Модуль контроля питания для ЛКП|description=Heavy-duty switching circuits for power control.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника воздушной сигнализации|description=Looks like a circuit. Probably is.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника шлюза|description=Looks like a circuit. Probably is.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника пожарной сигнализации|description=A fire alarm circuit. Can handle heat levels up to 40 degrees celsius.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника пожарного шлюза|description=A circuit board used in construction of firelocks.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Электроника контроллера люка|description=A sinister-looking controller for a trapdoor.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Контроллер взрывных дверей|description=A small electronic device able to control a blast door remotely.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Большой манипулятор|description=The circuit board for a big manipulator.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Краситель плиток|description=An airlock painter, reprogramed to use a different style of paint in order to spray colors on floor tiles as well, in addition to repainting doors. Decals break when the floor tiles are removed.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Краситель шлюзов|description=An advanced autopainter preprogrammed with several paintjobs for airlocks. Use it on an airlock during or after construction to change the paintjob.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Краситель декалей|description=An airlock painter, reprogramed to use a different style of paint in order to apply decals for floor tiles as well, in addition to repainting doors. Decals break when the floor tiles are removed.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Устройство быстрой укладки проводов|description=A device used to rapidly lay cable & pick up stray cable pieces laying around.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Связка проводов (x5)|description=A coil of insulated power cable.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сварочный шлем|description=A head-mounted face cover designed to protect the wearer completely from space-arc eye.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сварочный инструмент|description=A standard edition welder provided by Nanotrasen.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сканер T-ray|description=A terahertz-ray emitter and scanner used to detect underfloor objects such as cables and pipes.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Газоанализатор|description=A hand-held environmental scanner which reports current gas levels.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Мультитул|description=Used for pulsing wires to test which to cut. Not recommended by doctors. You can activate it in-hand to locate the nearest APC.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Гаечный ключ|description=A wrench with common uses. Can be found in your hand.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Карманный лом|description=A small crowbar. This handy tool is useful for lots of things, such as prying floor tiles or opening unpowered doors.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Отвёртка|description=You can be totally screwy with this.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кусачки|description=This cuts wires.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Лампочка|description=A replacement light bulb.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Световая трубка|description=A replacement light tube.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сигнал перехода (плата)|description=The circuit board for a tram crossing signal.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сенсор путепровода (плата)|description=The circuit board for a tram proximity sensor.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный разгрузчик ящиков|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственная плавильная печь|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный измельчитель|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный сборочный автомат|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный станок|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Сортировочный маршрутизатор конвейера|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Производственный маршрутизатор|description=The circuit board for this machine.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Mail Sorter|description=The circuit board for a mail sorting unit.}}}}
Строка 93: Строка 93:
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Exploration Drones|description=Adapted arcade machines to covertly harness gamers' skills in controlling real drones for practical purposes.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Robotics}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Консоль управления массивом сканеров (плата)|description=Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new scanner array control console.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Массив сканеров (плата)|description=The circuit board for scanner array.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Консоль управления дроном-разведчиком (плата)|description=Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new exploration drone control console.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пусковая установка дронов-разведчиков (плата)|description=The circuit board for exodrone launcher.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Exploration Drones|description=Adapted arcade machines to covertly harness gamers' skills in controlling real drones for practical purposes.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Robotics}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Консоль управления массивом сканеров (плата)|description=Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new scanner array control console.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Массив сканеров (плата)|description=The circuit board for scanner array.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Консоль управления дроном-разведчиком (плата)|description=Allows for the construction of circuit boards used to build a new exploration drone control console.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пусковая установка дронов-разведчиков (плата)|description=The circuit board for exodrone launcher.}}}}

{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Food Processing|description=Top-tier kitchen appliances from Nanotrasen, designed to keep the crew well-fed and happy.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Cafeteria Equipment}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Фритюрница (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Deep Fryer.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Духовка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Oven.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Плита (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Stove.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Духовка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Range, which is both an Oven and a Stove.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кастрюля|description=Высокая кастрюля предназначенная для смешивания и приготовления всех видов супов.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пищевой комбайн (плата)|description=The circuit board for a processing unit. Screwdriver the circuit to switch between food (default) or slime processing.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Мясорубка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a gibber.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Переработчик обезьян (плата)|description=The circuit board for a monkey recycler.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Универсальный измельчитель|description=The circuit board for an All-In-One Grinder.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Беспроводная микроволновка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a cell-powered microwave.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Умный холодильник (плата)|description=The circuit board for a smartfridge.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Иссушатель (плата)|description=The circuit board for a dehydrator.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Sheet-meister 2000 Board|description=The circuit board for a Sheet-meister 2000.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Экстрактор липидов (плата)|description=The circuit board for a lipid extractor.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Дисковод для блюд (плата)|description=The circuit board for a dish drive.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Продвинутая палочка для жарки|description=A roasting stick for cooking sausages in exotic ovens.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Food Processing|description=Top-tier kitchen appliances from Nanotrasen, designed to keep the crew well-fed and happy.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Cafeteria Equipment}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Фритюрница (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Deep Fryer.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Духовка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Oven.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Плита (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Stove.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Духовка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a Range, which is both an Oven and a Stove.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Кастрюля|description=A tall soup designed to mix and cook all kinds of soup.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Пищевой комбайн (плата)|description=The circuit board for a processing unit. Screwdriver the circuit to switch between food (default) or slime processing.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Мясорубка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a gibber.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Переработчик обезьян (плата)|description=The circuit board for a monkey recycler.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Универсальный измельчитель|description=The circuit board for an All-In-One Grinder.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Беспроводная микроволновка (плата)|description=The circuit board for a cell-powered microwave.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Умный холодильник (плата)|description=The circuit board for a smartfridge.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Иссушатель (плата)|description=The circuit board for a dehydrator.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Sheet-meister 2000 Board|description=The circuit board for a Sheet-meister 2000.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Экстрактор липидов (плата)|description=The circuit board for a lipid extractor.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Дисковод для блюд (плата)|description=The circuit board for a dish drive.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Продвинутая палочка для жарки|description=A roasting stick for cooking sausages in exotic ovens.}}}}

{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Funny Robots|description=Fueled by laughter.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Exosuit Assembly}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Шасси экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Торс экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A torso part of H.O.N.K. Contains chuckle unit, bananium core and honk support systems.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Голова экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K head. Appears to lack a face plate.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Левая рука экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K left arm. With unique sockets that accept odd weaponry designed by clown scientists.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Правая рука экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K right arm. With unique sockets that accept odd weaponry designed by clown scientists.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Левая нога экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K left leg. The foot appears just large enough to fully accommodate a clown shoe.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Правая нога экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K right leg. The foot appears just large enough to fully accommodate a clown shoe.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Центральный модуль управления экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K." Central Control module.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Модуль управления периферией экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K." Peripheral Control module.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Модуль управления оружием и наводкой экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K." Weapons & Targeting Control module.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Банановая мортира|description=Equipment for clown exosuits. Launches banana peels.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=ХоНКоВзРыВ 5000|description=Equipment for clown exosuits. Spreads fun and joy to everyone around. Honk!}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Мышеловочная мортира|description=Equipment for clown exosuits. Launches armed mousetraps.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Оинго-Боинго лицебитель|description=Equipment for clown exosuits. Delivers fun right to your face!}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Модуль набора клоуна|description=Allows you to to turn a cyborg into a clown, honk.}}}}
{{Autowiki/TechwebEntry|name=Funny Robots|description=Fueled by laughter.|prerequisites={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryPrerequisite|name=Exosuit Assembly}}|designs={{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Шасси экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Торс экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A torso part of H.O.N.K. Contains chuckle unit, bananium core and honk support systems.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Голова экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K head. Appears to lack a face plate.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Левая рука экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K left arm. With unique sockets that accept odd weaponry designed by clown scientists.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Правая рука экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K right arm. With unique sockets that accept odd weaponry designed by clown scientists.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Левая нога экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K left leg. The foot appears just large enough to fully accommodate a clown shoe.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Правая нога экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=A H.O.N.K right leg. The foot appears just large enough to fully accommodate a clown shoe.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Центральный модуль управления экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K." Central Control module.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Модуль управления периферией экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K." Peripheral Control module.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Модуль управления оружием и наводкой экзокостюма "Х.О.Н.К"|description=Allows for the construction of a "H.O.N.K." Weapons & Targeting Control module.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Банановая мортира|description=Equipment for clown exosuits. Launches banana peels.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=ХоНКоВзРыВ 5000|description=Equipment for clown exosuits. Spreads fun and joy to everyone around. Honk!}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Мышеловочная мортира|description=Equipment for clown exosuits. Launches armed mousetraps.}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Оинго-Боинго лицебитель|description=Equipment for clown exosuits. Delivers fun right to your face!}}{{Autowiki/TechwebEntryDesign|name=Модуль набора клоуна|description=Allows you to to turn a cyborg into a clown, honk.}}}}

Версия от 04:34, 13 декабря 2024

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Maintaining station air and related life support systems.


Basic Arms

Ballistics can be unpredictable in space.


Botany Equipment

Essential tools for maintaining onboard gardens, supporting plant growth in the unique environment of the space station.


  • Экстрактор семян (плата): The circuit board for a seed extractor.
  • Анализатор растений: A scanner used to evaluate a plant's various areas of growth, and genetic traits. Comes with a growth scanning mode and a chemical scanning mode.
  • Лейка: It's a watering can. It is scientifically proved that using a watering can to simulate rain increases plant happiness!
  • Лопатка: A small tool for digging and moving dirt.
  • Рыхлитель: It's used for removing weeds or scratching your back.
  • Секатор: It's a tool for cutting grafts off plants or changing podperson looks.
  • Топорик: A very sharp axe blade upon a short fibremetal handle. It has a long history of chopping things, but now it is used for chopping wood.

Cafeteria Equipment

When standard-issue tubed food no longer satisfies the station crew's appetite...



Tools and essential machinery used for station maintenance and expansion.


Essential Stock Parts

Foundational components that form the backbone of station operations, encompassing a range of essential equipment necessary for day-to-day functionality.


EXOSUIT: Justice

Justice exosuit designs


Fishing Equipment

Basic fishing gear tailored for space station environments, perfect for extraterrestrial aquatic pursuits.


Fundamental Science

Establishing the bedrock of scientific understanding, paving the way for deeper exploration and theoretical inquiry.


Material Processing

Refinement and processing of alloys and ores to enhance their utility and value.


Medbay Equipment

Essential medical tools to patch you up while medbay is still intact.


Office Equipment

Nanotrasen's finest in ergonomic office tech, ensuring station admin stays productive and compliant with corporate policies — because even in space, paperwork never stops.



Programmable machines that make our lives lazier.


Advanced AI Upgrades

Delving into sophisticated AI directives, with hopes that they won't lead to humanity's extinction.



Advanced Anomaly Shells

New shells designed to utilize anomaly cores, maximizing their potential in innovative ways.



Advanced Beam Weaponry

So advanced, even engineers are baffled by its operational principles.



Advanced Circuit Shells

Adding brains to more things.



Advanced Engineering Modular Suit

Advanced Engineering suits, for advanced powered engineers.


  • МОД-обшивка атмосферная: External plating for a MODsuit. An atmospheric-resistant suit by Nakamura Engineering, offering extreme heat resistance compared to the engineer suit.
  • МОДуль "ионный реактивный ранец": A series of electric thrusters installed across the suit, this is a module highly anticipated by trainee Engineers. Rather than using gasses for combustion thrust, these jets are capable of accelerating ions using charge from the suit's charge. Some say this isn't Nakamura Engineering's first foray into jet-enabled suits. It uses 3 complexity.
  • МОДуль "радиационная защита": A module utilizing polymers and reflective shielding to protect the user against ionizing radiation; a common danger in space. This comes with software to notify the wearer that they're even in a radioactive area, giving a voice to an otherwise silent killer. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "ЭМИ-заслон": A field inhibitor installed into the suit, protecting it against feedback such as electromagnetic pulses that would otherwise damage the electronic systems of the suit or it's modules. However, it will take from the suit's power to do so. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "расширенное хранилище": Reverse engineered by Nakamura Engineering from Donk Company designs, this system of hidden compartments is entirely within the suit, distributing items and weight evenly to ensure a comfortable experience for the user; whether smuggling, or simply hauling. It uses 3 complexity.


Advanced Mining Technology

High-level mining equipment, pushing the boundaries of efficiency and effectiveness in resource extraction.



Advanced Sanitation Technology

Nanotrasen's latest in janitorial tech, making sure the station stays spotless and bear-free.



Advanced Surgery Tools

Surgical instruments of dual purpose for quick operations.



Alien Technology

Things used by the greys.



Anomaly Research

Delving into the study of mysterious anomalies to investigate methods to refine and harness their unpredictable energies.



Applied Bluespace Research

With a heightened grasp of bluespace dynamics, sophisticated applications and technologies can be devised using data from bluespace crystal analyses.



Artificial Intelligence

Exploration of AI systems, more intelligent than the entire crew put together.



Assault Exosuits

Heavy battle exosuits boasting robust armor but sacrificing speed for enhanced durability.




For those who prefer shiny metal over squishy flesh.



Biological Scan

Advanced technology for analyzing patient health and reagent compositions, ensuring precise diagnostics and treatment in the medical bay.



Bluespace Theory

Basic studies into the mysterious alternate dimension known as bluespace.



Bluespace Travel

Facilitate teleportation methods based on bluespace principles to revolutionize logistical efficiency.



Chemical Synthesis

Synthesizing complex chemicals from electricity and thin air... Don't ask how...



Civilian Consoles

User-friendly consoles for non-technical crew members, enhancing communication and access to essential station information.



Combat Implants

To make sure that you can wake the f*** up, samurai.



Cybernetic Organs

We have the technology to rebuild him.




Sapient robots with preloaded tool modules and programmable laws.




Cellular biology research focused on cultivation of limbs and diverse organisms from cells.



Electric Weaponry

Energy-based weaponry designed for both lethal and non-lethal applications.



Energy Manipulation

Harnessing the raw power of lightning arcs through sophisticated energy control methods.



Engineering Modular Suits

Engineering suits, for powered engineers.


  • МОД-обшивка инженерная: External plating for a MODsuit. An engineer-fit suit with heat and shock resistance. Nakamura Engineering's classic.
  • МОДуль "сканер T-ray": A module installed into the visor of the suit, allowing the user to use a pulse of terahertz radiation to essentially echolocate things beneath the floor, mostly cables and pipes. A staple of atmospherics work, and counter-smuggling work. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "магнитный стабилизатор": These are powerful electromagnets fitted into the suit's boots, allowing users both excellent traction no matter the condition indoors, and to essentially hitch a ride on the exterior of a hull. However, these basic models do not feature computerized systems to automatically toggle them on and off, so numerous users report a certain stickiness to their steps. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "конструктор": This module entirely occupies the wearer's forearm, notably causing conflict with advanced arm servos meant to carry crewmembers. However, it functions as an extremely advanced construction hologram scanner, as well as containing the latest engineering schematics combined with inbuilt memory to help the user build walls. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "противопожарный бак": An atmospheric resin mister, able to fix up areas quickly. It uses 2 complexity.


Entertainment Modular Suit

Powered suits for protection against low-humor environments.


  • МОД-обшивка космохонская: External plating for a MODsuit. A suit by Honk Ltd. Protects against low humor environments. Most of the tech went to lower the power cost.
  • МОДуль "гудок": A shoulder-mounted piece of heavy sonic artillery, this module uses the finest femto-manipulator technology to precisely deliver an almost lethal squeeze to... a bike horn, producing a significantly memorable sound. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "микроволновый луч": An oddly domestic device, this module is installed into the user's palm, hooking up with culinary scanners located in the helmet to blast food with precise microwave radiation, allowing them to cook food from a distance, with the greatest of ease. Not recommended for use against grapes. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "переваливатель": Some of the most primitive technology in use by Honk Co. This module works off an automatic intention system, utilizing its sensitivity to the pilot's often-limited brainwaves to directly read their next step, affecting the boots they're installed in. Employing a twin-linked gravitonic drive to create miniaturized etheric blasts of space-time beneath the user's feet, this enables them to... to waddle around, bouncing to and fro with a pep in their step. It uses 1 complexity.


Exosuit Assembly

Development of mechanical exosuits designed to contend with artificial gravity while transporting cargo.



Exotic Ammunition

Specialized bullets designed to ignite, freeze, and inflict various other effects on targets, expanding combat capabilities.



Expedition Equipment

Specialized exosuit gear tailored for navigating space and celestial bodies, ensuring durability and functionality in the harshest conditions.



Experimental Surgery

When evolution isn't fast enough.


  • Cortex Folding: A surgical procedure which modifies the cerebral cortex into a complex fold, giving space to non-standard neural patterns.
  • Wetware OS Labyrinthian Programming: A robotic upgrade which reprograms the patient's neural network in a downright eldritch programming language, giving space to non-standard neural patterns.
  • Cortex Imprint: A surgical procedure which modifies the cerebral cortex into a redundant neural pattern, making the brain able to bypass damage caused by minor brain traumas.
  • Wetware OS Ver 2.0: A surgical procedure which updates the patient's operating system to the 'latest version', whatever that means, making the brain able to bypass damage caused by minor brain traumas. Shame about all the adware.
  • Tend Wounds (Physical) Upgrade: An upgraded version of the original surgery.
  • Ligament Hook: A surgical procedure which reshapes the connections between torso and limbs, making it so limbs can be attached manually if severed. However this weakens the connection, making them easier to detach as well.
  • Anchor Point Snaplocks: A robotic upgrade which installs rapid detachment anchor points, making it so limbs can be attached manually if detached. However this weakens the connection, making them easier to detach as well.
  • Ligament Reinforcement: A surgical procedure which adds a protective tissue and bone cage around the connections between the torso and limbs, preventing dismemberment. However, the nerve connections as a result are more easily interrupted, making it easier to disable limbs with damage.
  • Anchor Point Reinforcement: A surgical procedure which adds reinforced limb anchor points to the patient's chassis, preventing dismemberment. However, the nerve connections as a result are more easily interrupted, making it easier to disable limbs with damage.
  • Vein Muscle Membrane: A surgical procedure which adds a muscled membrane to blood vessels, allowing a patient to pump blood without a heart.
  • Hydraulics Redundancy Subroutine: A robotic upgrade which adds sophisticated hydraulics redundancies, allowing a patient to pump hydraulic fluid without an engine.
  • Nerve Grounding: A surgical procedure which makes the patient's nerves act as grounding rods, protecting them from electrical shocks.
  • System Shock Dampening: A robotic upgrade which installs grounding rods into the robotic patient's system, protecting them from electrical shocks.
  • Nerve Splicing: A surgical procedure which splices the patient's nerves, making them more resistant to stuns.
  • System Automatic Reset Subroutine: A robotic upgrade which upgrades a robotic patient's automatic systems, making them more resistant to stuns.
  • Pacification: A surgical procedure which permanently inhibits the aggression center of the brain, making the patient unwilling to cause direct harm.
  • Aggression Suppression Programming: Malware which permanently inhibits the aggression programming of the patient's neural network, making the patient unwilling to cause direct harm.
  • Vein Threading: A surgical procedure which severely reduces the amount of blood lost in case of injury.
  • Hydraulics Routing Optimization: A robotic upgrade which severely reduces the amount of hydraulic fluid lost in case of injury.
  • Viral Bonding: A surgical procedure that forces a symbiotic relationship between a virus and its host. The patient must be dosed with spaceacillin, virus food, and formaldehyde.


Experimental Tools

Enhances the functionality and versatility of station tools.



Exploration Drones

Adapted arcade machines to covertly harness gamers' skills in controlling real drones for practical purposes.



Food Processing

Top-tier kitchen appliances from Nanotrasen, designed to keep the crew well-fed and happy.



Funny Robots

Fueled by laughter.




Investigating fusion reactor technology to achieve sustainable and efficient energy production through controlled plasma reactions involving noble gases.




For the slackers on the station.



Gas Compression

Highly pressurized gases hold potential for unlocking immense energy capabilities.



Heavy Exosuits

Advanced heavy mechanized unit with dual pilot capability, designed for robust battlefield performance and increased tactical versatility.




Use of holographic technology for signage and barriers.



Improved Wound-Tending

Who would have known being more gentle with a hemostat decreases patient pain?



Light Combat Exosuits

Agile combat exosuits equipped with overclocking capabilities for temporary speed boosts, prioritizing speed over durability on the battlefield.



Marine Utility

Fish are nice to look at and all, but they can be put to use.



Mining Cyborg Upgrades

To mine places too dangerous for humans.



Mining Technology

Development of tools meant to optimize mining operations and resource extraction.



Modular Suit

Specialized back mounted power suits with various different modules.


  • Блок хранения костюмов (плата): The circuit board for a suit storage unit.
  • МОД-оболочка: A 'Nakamura Engineering' designed shell for a Modular Suit.
  • МОД-нагрудник: A 'Nakamura Engineering' designed chestplate for a Modular Suit.
  • МОД-шлем: A 'Nakamura Engineering' designed helmet for a Modular Suit.
  • МОД-рукавицы: 'Nakamura Engineering' designed gauntlets for a Modular Suit.
  • МОД-ботинки: 'Nakamura Engineering' designed boots for a Modular Suit.
  • МОД-обшивка: External plating for a MODsuit. A civilian class suit by Nakamura Engineering, doesn't offer much other than slightly quicker movement.
  • МОД-обшивка гражданская: External plating for a MODsuit. A light-weight civilian suit that offers unmatched ease of movement but no protection from the vacuum of space.
  • Набор покраски МОДов: A paint kit for Modular Suits.
  • МОДуль "хранилище": What amounts to a series of integrated storage compartments and specialized pockets installed across the surface of the suit, useful for storing various bits, and or bobs. It uses 3 complexity.
  • МОДуль "стабилизатор плазмы": This system essentially forms an atmosphere of its own, within the suit, efficiently and quickly preventing oxygen from causing the user's head to burst into flame. This allows plasmamen to safely remove their helmet, allowing for easier equipping of any MODsuit-related equipment, or otherwise. The purple glass of the visor seems to be constructed for nostalgic purposes. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "фонарик": A simple pair of configurable flashlights installed on the left and right sides of the helmet, useful for providing light in a variety of ranges and colors. Some survivalists prefer the color green for their illumination, for reasons unknown. It uses 1 complexity.


Modular Suit Equipment

More advanced modules, to improve modular suits.


  • МОДсвязь гадатель": A neck-worn piece of gear that can call with another MODlink-compatible device.
  • МОДуль "гидравлическая клешня": A series of actuators installed into both arms of the suit, boasting a lifting capacity of almost a ton. However, this design has been locked by Nanotrasen to be primarily utilized for lifting various crates. A lot of people would say that loading cargo is a dull job, but you could not disagree more. It uses 3 complexity.
  • МОДуль "аварийная лебёдка": A custom-built grappling-hook powered by a winch capable of hauling the user. While some older models of cargo-oriented grapples have capacities of a few tons, these are only capable of working in zero-gravity environments, a blessing to some Engineers. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "сварочная защита": A module installed into the visor of the suit, this projects a polarized, holographic overlay in front of the user's eyes. It's rated high enough for immunity against extremities such as spot and arc welding, solar eclipses, and handheld flashlights. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "защита головы по ТБ": A series of dampening plates are installed along the back and upper areas of the helmet. These plates absorb abrupt kinetic shocks delivered to the skull. The bulk of this module prevents it from being installed in any suit that is capable of combat armor adjustments. However, the rudimentry nature of the module makes it relatively easy to install into most other suits. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "аппарат приёма пищи": A favorite by Miners, this modification to the helmet utilizes a nanotechnology barrier infront of the mouth to allow eating and drinking while retaining protection and atmosphere. However, it won't free you from masks, lets pepper spray pass through and it will do nothing to improve the taste of a goliath steak. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "защита от падения": Useful for protecting both the suit and the wearer, utilizing commonplace systems to convert the possible damage from a fall into kinetic charge, as well as internal gyroscopes to ensure the user's safe falling. Useful for mining, monorail tracks, or even skydiving! It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "термальный регулятор": Advanced climate control, using an inner body glove interwoven with thousands of tiny, flexible cooling lines. This circulates coolant at various user-controlled temperatures, ensuring they're comfortable; even if they're some that like it hot. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "перчатки-переводчики": A module that adds motion sensors into the suit's gloves, which works in tandem with a short-range subspace transmitter, letting the audibly impaired use sign language over comms. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Cleaning Mister Module: An space cleaner mister, able to clean up messes quickly. Synthesizes its own supply over time (if active). It uses 2 complexity.


Night Vision Technology

There are whispers that Nanotrasen pushed for this technology to extend shift durations, ensuring productivity around the clock.



Passive Implants

Implants designed to operate seamlessly without active user input, enhancing various physiological functions or providing continuous benefits.



Programmed Robot

Grants access to movable shells, allowing for remote operations and pranks.


  • Сборка дрона: A shell with the ability to move itself around.
  • Pathfinder: When triggered, the next step to the target's location as an entity. This can be used with the direction component and the drone shell to make it move on its own. The Id Card input port is for considering ID access when pathing, it does not give the shell actual access.
  • Pull Component: A component that can force the shell to pull entities. Only works for drone shells.


Programmed Server

Grants access to a server shell that has a very high capacity for components.




Dedicate an entire shift to program a fridge to greet you when opened.



Riot Supression

When you are on the opposing side of a revolutionary movement.



Security Equipment

All the essentials to subdue a mime.



Security Modular Suits

Security suits for space crime handling.


  • МОДуль "раздатчик гранат Мираж": This module can create mirage grenades at the user's liking. These grenades create holographic copies of the user. It uses 3 complexity.
  • МОД-обшивка охранная: External plating for a MODsuit. An Apadyne Technologies security suit, offering quicker speed at the cost of carrying capacity.
  • МОДуль "прототип маскировки": A complete retrofitting of the suit, this is a form of visual concealment tech employing esoteric technology to bend light around the user, as well as mimetic materials to make the surface of the suit match the surroundings based off sensor data. For some reason, this tech is rarely seen. It uses 4 complexity.
  • МОДуль "магнитная кобура": Based off old TerraGov harness kits, this magnetic harness automatically attaches dropped guns back to the wearer. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "система Пасфайндер": This module, brought to you by Nakamura Engineering, has two components. The first component is a series of thrusters and a computerized location subroutine installed into the very control unit of the suit, allowing it flight at highway speeds using the suit's access locks to navigate through the station, and to be able to locate the second part of the system; a pathfinding implant installed into the base of the user's spine, broadcasting their location to the suit and allowing them to recall it to their person at any time. The implant is stored in the module and needs to be injected in a human to function. Nakamura Engineering swears up and down there's airbrakes. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "кобура": Based off typical storage compartments, this system allows the suit to holster a standard firearm across its surface and allow for extremely quick retrieval. While some users prefer the chest, others the forearm for quick deployment, some law enforcement prefer the holster to extend from the thigh. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "активный сонар": Ancient tech from the 20th century, this module uses sonic waves to detect living creatures within the user's radius. Its basic function slowly scans around the user for any bio-signatures, however it can be overclocked to scan everywhere at once.Its loud ping is much harder to hide in an indoor station than in the outdoor operations it was designed for. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "ослабитель снарядов": Using technology from peaceborgs, this module weakens all projectiles in nearby range. It uses 3 complexity.
  • МОДуль "держатель преступника": The private security that had orders to take in people dead were quite happy with their space-proofed suit, but for those who wanted to bring back whomever their targets were still breathing needed a way to "share" the space-proofing. And thus: criminal capture! Creates a hardlight prisoner transport bag around the apprehended that has breathable atmospheric conditions. It uses 2 complexity.


Service Cyborg Upgrades

Let them do the cookin' by the book.



Telecommunications Technology

A comprehensive suite of machinery for station-wide communication setups, ensuring seamless connectivity and operational coordination.




Exploration of non-human biology, unlocking the secrets of extraterrestrial lifeforms and their unique biological processes.



Advanced Fishing Tools

Continuing advancements in fishing technology, incorporating cutting-edge features in space fishing operations. Just don't try this on space carps...



Advanced Medbay Equipment

State-of-the-art medical gear for keeping the crew in one piece — mostly.



Advanced Parts

The most finely tuned and accurate stock parts.



Advanced Surgery

When simple medicine doesn't cut it.



Artificial Selection

Advancement in plant cultivation techniques through artificial selection, enabling precise manipulation of plant DNA.



Combat Exosuits

Modular armor upgrades and specialized equipment for security exosuits.




For once, intentional explosions.



Upgraded Cybernetic Organs

We have the technology to upgrade him.



Advanced Cybernetic Organs

Cutting-edge cybernetic organs offering enhanced sensory capabilities, making it easier than ever to detect ERP.



Alien Engineering

Alien engineering tools



Alien Surgery

Abductors did nothing wrong.



Anomalock Modular Suit

Modules for MODsuits that require anomaly cores to function.


  • МОДуль "анти-гравитация": A module that uses a gravitational core to make the user completely weightless. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "телепортер": A module that uses a bluespace core to let the user transport their particles elsewhere. It uses 3 complexity.
  • МОДуль "кинетика": A modular plug-in to the forearm, this module was presumed lost for many years, despite the suits it used to be mounted on still seeing some circulation. This piece of technology allows the user to generate precise anti-gravity fields, letting them move objects as small as a titanium rod to as large as industrial machinery. Oddly enough, it doesn't seem to work on living creatures. It uses 3 complexity.


Bitrunning Technology

Bluespace technology has led to the development of quantum-scale computing, which unlocks the means to materialize atomic structures while executing advanced programs.



Bluespace Exosuit Equipment

An array of equipment empowered by bluespace, providing unmatched mobility and utility.



Bluespace Parts

Integrating the latest in bluespace technology, these advanced components not only enhance functionality but also open up new possibilities for the station's technological capabilities.



Brain-Computer Interface

Embedded brain circuits. May occasionally stream Nanotrasen ads in dreams.



Controlled Plasma

Experiments with high-pressure gases and electricity resulting in crystallization and controlled plasma reactions.




The result of clown accidentally drinking a chemical, now repurposed for safely preserving crew members in suspended animation.



Cybernetic Implants

Advanced technological enhancements integrated into the body, offering improved physical capabilities.



Engineering Cyborg Upgrades

To slack even more.



Exosuit Energy Guns

Scaled-up versions of electric weapons optimized for exosuit deployment.



Exosuit Firearms

Mounted ballistic weaponry, enhancing combat capabilities for mechanized units.



Field Surgery Modules

Medical MODsuit equipment designed for conducting surgical operations in field conditions.


  • МОДуль "дефибриллятор": A module built into the gauntlets of the suit; commonly known as the 'Healing Hands' by medical professionals. The user places their palms above the patient. Onboard computers in the suit calculate the necessary voltage, and a modded targeting computer determines the best position for the user to push. Twenty five pounds of force are applied to the patient's skin. Shocks travel from the suit's gloves and counter-shock the heart, and the wearer returns to Medical a hero. Don't you even think about using it as a weapon; regulations on manufacture and software locks expressly forbid it. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "нитерез": A custom-built module integrated with the suit's wrist. The thread ripper is built from recent technology dating back to the start of 2562, after an attempt by a well-known Nanotrasen researcher to expand on the rapid-tailoring technology found in Autodrobes. Rather than being capable of creating any fabric pattern under the suns, the thread ripper is capable of rapid disassembly of them. Anything from kevlar-weave, to leather, to durathread can be quickly pulled open to the wearer's specification and sewn back together, a development commonly utilized by Medical workers to obtain easy access for surgery, defibrillation, or injection of chemicals to ease patients into not worrying about their brand-name fashion being marred. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "хирургический процессор": A module using an onboard surgical computer which can be connected to other computers to download and perform advanced surgeries on the go. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "индикатор состояния": A once-common module, this technology unfortunately went out of fashion in the safer regions of space; and found new life in the research networks of the Periphery. This particular unit hooks into the suit's spine, capable of capturing and displaying all possible biometric data of the wearer; sleep, nutrition, fitness, fingerprints, and even useful information such as their overall health and wellness. The vitals monitor also comes with a speaker, loud enough to alert anyone nearby that someone has, in fact, died. It uses 1 complexity.


Gene Engineering

Research into sophisticated DNA manipulation techniques, enabling the modification of human genetic traits to unlock specific abilities and enhancements.



Heavy Exosuit Firearms

High-impact weaponry integrated into mechs, optimized for maximum firepower.




Research into advanced hydroponic systems for efficient and sustainable plant cultivation.



Illegal Technology

Dangerous research used to create dangerous objects.



Infiltration Exosuits

Advanced exosuit with phasing capabilities, allowing it to move through walls and obstacles, ideal for covert and special operations.



Integrated HUDs

Initially developed for assistants to learn the nuances of different professions through augmented reality.


  • Медицинский ИЛС: A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their health status.
  • Диагностический ИЛС: A HUD used to analyze and determine faults within robotic machinery.
  • Охранный ИЛС: A heads-up display that scans the humans in view and provides accurate data about their ID status.
  • МОДуль "медицинский визор": A heads-up display installed into the visor of the suit. This cross-references suit sensor data with a modern biological scanning suite, allowing the user to visualize the current health of organic lifeforms, as well as access data such as patient files in a convenient readout. They say these also let you see behind you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "диагностический визор": A heads-up display installed into the visor of the suit. This uses a series of advanced sensors to access data from advanced machinery, exosuits, and other devices, allowing the user to visualize current power levels and integrity of such. They say these also let you see behind you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "охранный визор": A heads-up display installed into the visor of the suit. This module is a heavily-retrofitted targeting system, plugged into various criminal databases to be able to view arrest records, command simple security-oriented robots, and generally know who to shoot. They say these also let you see behind you. It uses 1 complexity.
  • Имплант медицинского ИЛС: These cybernetic eyes will display a medical HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.
  • Имплант диагностического ИЛС: These cybernetic eyes will display a diagnostic HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.
  • Имплант охранного ИЛС: These cybernetic eyes will display a security HUD over everything you see. Wiggle eyes to control.


Integrated Toolsets

Decades of contraband smuggling by assistants have led to the development of a full toolbox that fits seamlessly into your arm.



Low-Pressure Excavation

Research of Proto-Kinetic Accelerators (PKAs), pneumatic guns renowned for their exceptional performance in low-pressure environments.



Medical Cyborg Upgrades

Let them follow Asimov's First Law.



Medical Exosuit

Advanced robotic unit equipped with syringe guns and healing beams, revolutionizing medical assistance in hazardous environments.



Medical Modular Suit

Medical MODsuits for quick rescue purposes.


  • МОД-обшивка медицинская: External plating for a MODsuit. A lightweight suit by DeForest Medical Corporation, allows for easier movement.
  • МОДуль "быстрая переноска": A suite of advanced servos, redirecting power from the suit's arms to help carry the wounded; or simply for fun. However, Nanotrasen has locked the module's ability to assist in hand-to-hand combat. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "инъектор": A module installed into the wrist of the suit, this functions as a high-capacity syringe, with a tip fine enough to locate the emergency injection ports on any suit of armor, penetrating it with ease. Even yours. It uses 1 complexity.
  • МОДуль "организатор": A device recovered from a crashed Interdyne Pharmaceuticals vessel, this module has been unearthed for better or for worse. It's an arm-mounted device utilizing technology similar to modern rapid part exchange devices, capable of instantly replacing up to 5 organs at once in surgery without the need to remove them first, even from range. It's recommended by the DeForest Medical Corporation to not inform patients it has been used. It uses 2 complexity.
  • МОДуль "транспортировка пациента": A module built into the forearm of the suit. Countless waves of mostly-lost mining teams being sent to Indecipheries and other hazardous locations have taught the DeForest Medical Company many lessons. Physical bodybags are difficult to store, hard to deploy, and even worse to keep intact in tough scenarios. Enter the hardlight transport bag. Summonable with merely a gesture, weightless, and immunized against any extreme scenario the wearer could think of, this bag is perfectly designed for transport of any body in any environment, any time. It uses 2 complexity.


Mining Exosuit

Robust exosuit engineered to withstand lava and storms for continuous off-station mining operations.



Plasma Beam Mining

Engineers' plasma welders have proven highly effective in mining operations. This led to the development of a mech-mounted variant and an enhanced handheld cutter for miners.



Rapid Construction Device Upgrades

New designs and enhancements for RCD and RPD.



Unregulated Bluespace Research

Bluespace technology using unstable or unbalanced procedures, prone to damaging the fabric of bluespace. Outlawed by galactic conventions.



Upgraded Parts

Offering enhanced capabilities beyond their basic counterparts.



Utility Cyborg Upgrades

Let them wipe our floors for us.

