Руководство по изучению токсинов: различия между версиями

Строка 53: Строка 53:
И, конечно же, [[Atmospherics items#Canister|канистры]] хранят газ и могут быть использованы как контейнеры для экзотических или очень горячих газов.
И, конечно же, [[Atmospherics items#Canister|канистры]] хранят газ и могут быть использованы как контейнеры для экзотических или очень горячих газов.

= [[File:Clipboard paper.png]] Papers and You =
= [[File:Clipboard paper.png]] Бумаги и вы =

To complete experiments, as well as to acquire funding and scientific cooperation, you require the NT Frontier application. This can be downloaded on your department's civilian console, or a device like a laptop or tablet[[File:Tablet.gif|link=https://tgstation13.org/wiki/File:Tablet.gif]].
Для выполнения экспериментов, также для получения спонсирования, вам понадобится приложение NT Frontier. Его можно установить с помощью фиолетового диска, лежащего на входе в токсинную, или с помощью вашего КПК [[File:Tablet.gif]].

To do this, you need to:
Чтобы сделать это, вам понадобится:

# Grab your ID [[File:Id_regular.png]] and insert them into a tablet or a modular computer.
# Взять свою ID карту [[File:Id_regular.png]] и вставить в КПК или модульный компьютер.
# Open the <b>NT Software Hub</b> application and look for the program <b>NT Frontier</b>. It is in the <b>Science</b> tab if you didn't find it. Press download and wait for it to finish.
# Открыть приложение под названием <b>NT Software Hub</b> и найти программу под названием <b>NT Frontier</b>. Она находится в каталоге <b>Science</b>, если вы не нашли её. Нажмите установить и подождите окончания загрузки.

The application will helpfully list all available experiments as well as their tier requirements. Do note that for experiments which unlock research nodes upon completion, it is not required to reach the maximum tier. However, you should endeavor to do so, as you will otherwise earn less funding and cooperation. Do note that you can only publish one paper per experiment and tier. So, you cannot re-do the same tier later on to gain more rewards if you publish a worse result early.
Приложение покажет вам детальный список всех доступных экспериментов, ровно также как и их требования по уровню. Учтите, что эксперименты, открывающие узлы технологической ветки, после выполнения не будут требовать достигнуть максимального уровня. Однако, вам следует сразу делать максимальный уровень эксперимента, так как вы можете опубликовать только одну бумагу за эксперимент и уровень. Так что вы не можете переделать тот же самый уровень эксперимента для получения большего количества наград, если результаты хуже текущих были опубликованы ранее.

=== Using disks ===
=== Использование дисков ===

In order to publish papers, the relevant file must be on your phone's internal storage. To do this you will need to:
Для публикации бумаг вам понадобится необходимый файл лога на внутреннем хранилище вашего КПК или на хранилище диска вставленного в ваш КПК. Чтобы получить этот файл вам нужно:

# Complete the appropriate experiment in the [[File:Tachyon Doppler.gif]] <b>Tachyon-Doppler Array</b> or [[File:Tank Compressor.png]] <b>Tank Gas Compressor</b>.
# Выполнить нужный эксперимент с помощью [[File:Tachyon Doppler.gif]] <b>тахион-доплеровского массива</b> или [[File:Tank Compressor.png]] <b>компрессора баллонов</b>.
# Grab a [[File:Portable Hard Drive.png]]<b>portable hard drive</b> (data disk). These should by lying around near a computer or a doppler array.
# Взять [[File:Portable Hard Drive.png]] <b>портативный жёсткий диск</b> (диск данных). Один такой обычно лежит возле компьютера или тахион-доплеровского массива.
# Insert the data disk into the Tachyon-Doppler Array or Tank Gas Compressor and print the experiment to the disk.  
# Вставьте диск для данных в тахион-доплеровский массив или компрессор баллонов и загрузить лог эксперимента на диск.
# Stick the disk into your phone or computer and use the File Manager software to copy the file from the disk to the phone.  
# Вставить диск в ваш КПК или компьютер и использовать файловый менеджер для копирования файла с диска на свой КПК или компьютер.

Now you will be able to select the experiment in NT Frontier and publish your paper!
Теперь вы можете выбрать эксперимент в приложении NT Frontier и опубликовать свою бумагу!

=== Scientific Cooperation ===
=== Научная кооперация ===
Other than funding, publishing papers earns scientific cooperation with the partner you select when publishing the papers. In the partner's overview tab, you can see your relations with each partner. Good relations allow you to purchase discounts on research nodes, which will however degrade the relations.

Помимо получения финансирования, публикации бумаг, вы можете выбрать вашего партнёра при публикации бумаги. В каталоге партнёров вы можете увидеть отношения с каждым из них. Хорошие отношения позволят вам покупать скидки на узлы технологической сети, которые будут ухудшать ваши отношения.

Версия от 18:08, 1 июля 2024

Generic rd.png
Директор исследований Роберт Опенгеймер говорит
«Слушай, возьми эту бомбу. Просто убедись, что я не буду напрямую причастен ко всем идиотским разрушениям, произошедшим после её использования.»

Токсинная - одна из секций РнД на станции. Были времена, когда за пребывание в этом месте могли вас принять за плохого парня, но с появлением исследовательских бомб, это перестало быть реальностью. Вместо того чтобы быть робастным подрывником, создающим бомбы, вы можете получить славу и уважение от экипажа после применения этих самых бомб в мирное русло, то есть ради изучения новых технологий или кучи кредитов для бюджета отдела вместо превращения станции в полигон для испытания бомб! Слава научному отделу!

Science Goggles.png Необходимые для работы инструменты

Для работы вам понадобится прихватить с собой всего лишь несколько предметов.


Токсинная расположена рядом с научным отделом и является местом для создания бомб с лабораторией слева, проходом посередине и смотровой комнатой справа.

Rpd.png Переносной раздатчик труб

Переносной раздатчик труб может быть найден в токсинной. Вам он может понадобиться для изменения укладки труб.

Analyzer.png Анализатор газов

Анализатор газов покажет вам, что происходит в ваших канистрах, трубах, окружении. Просто использовав Leftclick.pngПростой левый клик. Неважно включен или выключен Боевой режим Combat 32.pngВключается при помощи клавиши 4, выключается при помощи клавиши 1 или может быть переключен при помощи клавиши F при стандартной раскладке. Нажатие левой кнопки на людей пустой рукой с включённым боевым режимом приведёт к удару Harm 32.png или приведёт к помощи Help 32.png если он отключен. Также позволяет вам не меняться местами с человеком или толкнуть вас если вы столкнулись.. пустой рукой по предмету, вы его осмотрите и получите показания со сканера, а прожав клавишу Z, вы просканируете то место на котором стоите. А Rightclick.pngПростой правый клик. Не имеет значения включен или выключен Боевой режим Combat 32.pngВключается при помощи клавиши 4, выключается при помощи клавиши 1 или может быть переключен при помощи клавиши F при стандартной раскладке. Нажатие левой кнопки на людей пустой рукой с включённым боевым режимом приведёт к удару Harm 32.png или приведёт к помощи Help 32.png если он отключен. Также позволяет вам не меняться местами с человеком или толкнуть вас если вы столкнулись.. по анализатору позволит открыть справочник по газам и их реакциям.

Tablet.gif КПК или ModularModern2.gif модульные компьютеры

Они нам понадобятся для публикации бумаг и прочтения доступных для нас экспериментов. Убедитесь, что у вас есть что-то одно из этих двух предметов.

Holofan.gif Голопроекторы

Некоторые станции укомплектованы атмосферными голопроекторами в токсинной. Вы можете их использовать для переоборудования холодильной камеры. А используя Leftclick.pngПростой левый клик. Неважно включен или выключен Боевой режим Combat 32.pngВключается при помощи клавиши 4, выключается при помощи клавиши 1 или может быть переключен при помощи клавиши F при стандартной раскладке. Нажатие левой кнопки на людей пустой рукой с включённым боевым режимом приведёт к удару Harm 32.png или приведёт к помощи Help 32.png если он отключен. Также позволяет вам не меняться местами с человеком или толкнуть вас если вы столкнулись.. на полу, вы сможете создать барьер, который не пропустит воздух через себя.

BlueToolbox.png Инструменты

Трубы можно поменять с помощью простых инструментов, так что запаситесь ближайшим тулбоксом или храните инструменты в рюкзаке. Чаще же всего вы будете использовать именно гаечный ключ для откручивания и прикручивания труб.

OxygenTank.png Plasma tank.png Баллоны

В токсинной именно баллоны и производят взрывы при избыточном давлении. Однако вы не можете взорвать канистру, просто закачав в неё газ обычной помпой, которыми снабжается токсинная.

Explosivebombthatgoesboom.png Запорный клапан

Запорный клапан позволяет смешать содержимое двух баллонов вместе. Это вам понадобится для создания разрушительных бомб.


Tank Compressor.png Компрессор баллонов

Компрессор газов - это то самое место, где проводят эксперименты по созданию газовых баллонов. Компрессор в отличии от простых синих помп не имеет лимита по давлению и позволит вам закачать избыточное давление в баллон для взрыва.

Implosion compressor.gif Переработчик аномалий

Переработчик аномалий позволит вставить в него запорный клапан для компрессирования ядер аномалий. Он также снабжён возможностью симуляции для тестов бомб без их взрыва, но NanoTrasen всё равно не примет эти данные по каким-то причинам...

Tachyon Doppler.gif Тахион-доплеровский массив

Тахион-доплеровский массив - устройство, направленное на запись реальных взрывов. Если эти взрывы вызваны баллонами, то он покажет возможную причину взрыва.

Дополнительная машинерия

Портативные скрубберы и портативные помпы часто используются для очистки или заполнения баллона.

Термомашины также часто используются для нагревания или охлаждения газов.

И, конечно же, канистры хранят газ и могут быть использованы как контейнеры для экзотических или очень горячих газов.

Clipboard paper.png Бумаги и вы

Для выполнения экспериментов, также для получения спонсирования, вам понадобится приложение NT Frontier. Его можно установить с помощью фиолетового диска, лежащего на входе в токсинную, или с помощью вашего КПК Tablet.gif.

Чтобы сделать это, вам понадобится:

  1. Взять свою ID карту Id regular.png и вставить в КПК или модульный компьютер.
  2. Открыть приложение под названием NT Software Hub и найти программу под названием NT Frontier. Она находится в каталоге Science, если вы не нашли её. Нажмите установить и подождите окончания загрузки.

Приложение покажет вам детальный список всех доступных экспериментов, ровно также как и их требования по уровню. Учтите, что эксперименты, открывающие узлы технологической ветки, после выполнения не будут требовать достигнуть максимального уровня. Однако, вам следует сразу делать максимальный уровень эксперимента, так как вы можете опубликовать только одну бумагу за эксперимент и уровень. Так что вы не можете переделать тот же самый уровень эксперимента для получения большего количества наград, если результаты хуже текущих были опубликованы ранее.

Использование дисков

Для публикации бумаг вам понадобится необходимый файл лога на внутреннем хранилище вашего КПК или на хранилище диска вставленного в ваш КПК. Чтобы получить этот файл вам нужно:

  1. Выполнить нужный эксперимент с помощью Tachyon Doppler.gif тахион-доплеровского массива или Tank Compressor.png компрессора баллонов.
  2. Взять Portable Hard Drive.png портативный жёсткий диск (диск данных). Один такой обычно лежит возле компьютера или тахион-доплеровского массива.
  3. Вставьте диск для данных в тахион-доплеровский массив или компрессор баллонов и загрузить лог эксперимента на диск.
  4. Вставить диск в ваш КПК или компьютер и использовать файловый менеджер для копирования файла с диска на свой КПК или компьютер.

Теперь вы можете выбрать эксперимент в приложении NT Frontier и опубликовать свою бумагу!

Научная кооперация

Помимо получения финансирования, публикации бумаг, вы можете выбрать вашего партнёра при публикации бумаги. В каталоге партнёров вы можете увидеть отношения с каждым из них. Хорошие отношения позволят вам покупать скидки на узлы технологической сети, которые будут ухудшать ваши отношения.

Canister.png Practical guide to Gaseous Synthesis

The station is in chaos, a cruel wizard has kidnapped the captain and holds them hostage. They will accept bombs as ransom, and you are the only scientist on deck. We got you covered!

Ordnance is about making gas, either for bombs or for gas shells. You can read up on all the gas reactions in the game here.

If you are just starting out, you are recommended to make BZ first, then Tritium, before moving on to the harder gases like Hyper-Noblium.

BZ canister.pngBZ Synthesis

BZ requires N2O and Plasma in a low-pressure environment to produce. To use this, you can use the freezer chamber to both cool down the reactants (drives the pressure down) and to give a larger area for the reaction to occur (also drives the pressure down).

Metastation Ordnance
  1. Wrench the Plasma Canister.png plasma canister in to the first mixer port. Set the first mixer to 100% Side Node.
    Color Code: Red
    Why: As stated above, one of the ingredients for BZ is Plasma. For the mixer, they are supposed to mix two inputs, but in this case, we do not need the oxygen at all so we can route all of the plasma in.
  2. Wrench the N2O Canister.png N2O canister in to the second mixer port. Set the second mixer to 66.67% Main Node 33.33% Side Node.
    Color Code: Pink
    Why: As stated above, one of the ingredients for BZ is N2O. The ratio is 66.67% to 33.33% to keep the input and consumption the same. Other ratios might cause gas buildup inside the chamber.
  3. Open the Dvalve.png valve connecting the Mix Line (yellow) with the Freezer line (purple)
    Color Code: Orange
    Why: This will redirect our mixed gas to the freezer chamber.
  4. Wrench a Plasma Canister.png plasma canister into the freezer port. Turn the Freezer.gif thermomachine on and minimize the target temperature.
    Color Code: Blue
    Why: The He pipe.png heat exchangers on the freezer turf will need gas to start exchanging heat, Plasma is an exceptional coolant since it absorbs a lot of heat.
  5. Open the AirAlarm.png air alarm and look for the scrubber inside the freezer chamber (match the id). Set it to expanded mode and to scrub BZ.
    Color Code: Brown
    Why: This will allow us to collect the BZ as they are formed in the chamber.
  6. Wrench a Canister.png canister or a PortablePump.png portable pump in the output port
    Color Code: Light Blue
    Why: The BZ collected by the chamber will be deposited to the canister or portable pump. The former is more readily available while the latter allows you to do gas shells very precisely.
  7. Look for the Atmostankcontrol.png Chamber Monitor, navigate to the Freezer Chamber selection, and in this order: Lower the injector to 1 L/S, and turn it on.
    Color Code: Yellow,
    Why: This will be the final step that allows our reactants to go inside the chamber. You might be able to optimize it even further by adjusting the input rate up and down as time passes. Aim for somewhere below 50 kPa.


If you overpressurized the gas inside the freeze chamber, you might want to:

  1. Disconnect the output canister.
  2. Set the scrubber to siphoning in the Air Alarm.
  3. Turn on the bypass volume pump.

Though this may not always work, such as when the input line is already at maximum pressure. You can then change the normal gas pump to a volume pump.

Tritium.pngTritium Synthesis

Tritium is still relatively simple to grasp, but it is prone to failure which can render your workplace hazardous to work in. Don't lose hope if you fail, even experienced players make mistakes.

The production of tritium requires the combustion of plasma inside a heavily oxygenated environment. Tritium also combusts relatively rapidly with oxygen, which means you will need to upgrade the scrubber network to get sizable amounts of it. This guide will assume that you do not have the means to do that.

Metastation Ordnance
  1. Set the Atmos mixer.png first and second mixer to 100% Main Node.
    Color Code: Red
    Why: We require oxygen in the chamber, this setting will fully pump the oxygen in.
  2. Open the Dvalve.png valve connecting the Mix Line (yellow) with the Burn Line (black)
    Color Code: Orange
    Why: This will route the oxygen into the chamber.
  3. Open the AirAlarm.png air alarm and look for the scrubber inside the burn chamber. Set it to expanded mode and to scrub only Tritium.
    Color Code: Brown
    Why: The first one will allow us to clear the yellow/black line quicker, while the second one will let less tritium burn.
  4. Click the Airlock Control Panel.png chamber control panel, and open the interior airlock. Wait for it to cycle. Then enter the outer part of the chamber and maximize the Ppump.png pump leading in and pump leading out.
    Color Code: Beige
    Why: Maximizing the first pump will allow tritium to be produced more quickly, while the second one will let less tritium burn.
  5. Open the Atmostankcontrol.png Atmos Monitor, switch the chamber to the Burn Chamber if it isn't already set. turn on the injector and maximize it. Oxygen should be showing up in the sensor.
    Color Code: Yellow
    Why: The black line is where our oxygen is currently residing, but the injector starts off. So we need to turn it on first.
  6. Head back down to the Oxygen Stationary Tanks, use your analyzer on them and turn the first mixer off (Ctrl-Click) once you are satisfied with how much oxygen is in the chamber.
    Color Code: Red
    Why: However, much gas you leave in the tanks is completely optional. Keeping a reserve of around 2-3k (around 1-2 canisters) might be a good idea in case you decided to pursue another experiment that needs oxygen.
  7. Wait for the black and yellow line to empty out and turn the injector off with the Atmostankcontrol.png Atmos Monitor. The monitor should read around 1-2k moles of oxygen.
    Color Code: Yellow
    Why: We will need the plasma to be trickled in slowly, turning the injector off first will give us ample time to prepare the plasma.
  8. Wrench a Plasma Canister.png plasma canister in to the first mixer side port. Set the Side Node to 100% and turn it on.
    Color Code: Pink
    Why: We are now ready to route the plasma into the chamber. The black and yellow line should be filling up with unadulterated plasma.
  9. Activate the burn button. Make sure you don't press the vent button.
    Color Code: Green
    Why: This button will trigger the igniter in the chamber and allow the plasma to ignite.
  10. Head back to the Atmostankcontrol.png Atmos Monitor and start trickling the plasma. Start with a small number, turn the injector on, and keep adding the rate slowly until the temperature is above 1.7k Kelvins. You are free to increase or decrease the rate afterwards.
    Color Code: Yellow
    Why: Tritium is made when there are around 100x as much oxygen as plasma, we trickle the plasma slowly, so this ratio is maintained. We also aim for the temperature to be above 1.7k Kelvins because the oxygen consumption is most efficient at that temperature. Higher rates mean more tritium made per second, but it also means a higher burden on your cooling system.
  11. If all goes well, tritium should be made and collected by the scrubber. Go to the Freezer.gif freezer and crank the temperature down. You should wait a bit and then wrench a Canister.png canister or a PortablePump.png portable pump to the output Atmos Connector.png connector port when finished.
    Color Code: Light Blue
    Why: The canister is withheld because wrenching it means a smaller volumetric share for the freezer. Rather than being (200L / Pipe volume), the gas that the freezer can cool directly becomes (200 L / (Pipe volume + Canister volume)). Read more on gas equalization here


In most cases, you will need to add more scrubbers to the chamber. You should do this before adding anything to the chamber. To do this simply:

  1. Grab a firesuit and fire helmet from a Firesafetycloset.png Fire Closet, wear them.
  2. Equip and activate AirTank.png internals.
  3. Use the Airlock Control Panel.png door control and open the interior airlock. Wait for it to cycle and then enter it.
  4. Open the exterior airlock by interfacing with the same console again.
  5. Unwrench either the scrubber line Ppump.png pump or pipe and replace them with a Manifold.png layer manifold of a suitable color.
  6. Add four more Scrub.png scrubbers to the chamber. You will most likely need to do this in another layer, feel free to choose any.
  7. Go out by using the airlock panel once again. Wait for it to cycle.

Hud-fire.png Heat Mix Production

For reactionless explosions and tritium bombs, we will need a heat mixture. Thermomachine does the job but not very well.

Gas Mixer Setup
Heat Pump Setup

Collecting the results of a burn chamber is quicker more often than not, but is very time sensitive and tends to result in a mix with lower temperature than this method.

  1. Prepare a gas mixer contraption as pictured.
    Why: We are preparing a burn canister for the heat.
  2. Wrench a Plasma Canister.png plasma can on the main node.
    Why: A burn mix needs plasma as the fuel.
  3. Wrench an O2 Canister.png oxygen can on the side node.
    Why: And oxygen as the oxidizer.
  4. Wrench an empty Canister.png can on the output node.
    Why: We will heat the plasma and oxygen up inside a canister, so the heat is contained inside and not lost to environment like in chamber burns. Read more here
  5. Pump in a 60-40 mix of plasma - oxygen with the Atmos mixer.png mixer. Main node to 60, side node to 40.
    Why: This is just one recipe, feel free to experiment and use another one.
  6. Unwrench and hook the resulting canister up to a Freezer.gif thermomachine. Turn shielding on.
    Why: The heat will exceed the 10 K Kelvin limit allotted to canisters. Without shielding it will melt.
  7. Set the thermomachine to maximum temperature and unwrench the canister once it exceeds the target temperature.
    Why: Get a higher temperature for better starting efficiency if you can, but anything above 100 Celcius works fine. Unwrenching is to ensure that the thermomachine doesn't end up cooling the burn canister.
  8. Prepare a heat pump contraption as pictured.
    Why: Simple heat is not enough, we need to have the heat stored in a very dense format (plasma).
  9. Wrench a Plasma Canister.png plasma canister to the output node, unwrench it.
    Why: A whole plasma canister is too much! We only need a few moles to fully fill a tank. Less plasma also means less heat capacity which means higher temperature.
  10. Wrench a new Canister.png canister at the output node. Turn shielding on.
    Why: This will allow us to only heat the moles left in the heat pump instead of the whole plasma canister. Shielding once again for temperature protection.
  11. Wrench the previous burn canister into the input node of the temperature pump
    Why: We will transfer the heat from the burn can to the plasma.
  12. Turn on the Temperature Pump.png heat pump. Maximize it.
    Why: This will actually transfer the heat from the old canister to the new one, compacting the energy stored to a higher specific heat.
  13. Grab a Plasma tank.png tank from a Tank Dispenser.png tank dispenser, empty it with a portable scrubber.
    Why: We will put the hot plasma into this tank so it can be attached to the Explosivebombthatgoesboom.png TTV. Best make sure its empty first so cold plasma doesn't equalize with the hot one, making an at best lukewarm tank.
  14. Insert the tank into the canister, crank the pressure up, open the valve. In that order.
    Why: This will fill the tank with the necessary plasma. We are finally done.
  15. Do a last check on the tank using an Analyzer.png analyzer. There should be a hot (20k Kelvins +) mixture of pure plasma in the tank, with the pressure reading 2533 kPa.
    Why: If you mess up, best know why and where exactly.

Gas Shells

Before playing with bombs directly, you are recommended to try out gas shells first. They are far less punishing and final than a proper bomb test.

To do gas shell experiments, you will need to visit the Tank Compressor.png tank compressor. The tank compressor in essence is an overgrown pump. It is mainly used to burst tanks with exotic contents inside, letting it spew into the collection chamber to be evaluated.

The tank will then either spring a leak or explode, both of which will be contained by the machine. In case of a leak, it's advised to wait for the tank to empty before removing it from the machine. In case of an explosion, all of the gas content will be outputted to the collection chamber.

Upon a successful ejection or detonation, the collection chamber's gas data will be finalized and recorded into an experiment file. A printable experiment is then available to be printed into a data disk. Gas in the chamber will also be flushed into the output port.

To properly use this contraption, there are two course of action you can take:

  • Overpressurize a tank with the experiment gas
    • Pros: Very quick to do.
    • Cons: Difficult to clean the input port up, less control.
  • Prefill a tank with the experiment gas, overpressurize it with another gas in the compressor.
    • Pros: Easier to clean the input port up, more control over the number of moles.
    • Cons: Takes a bit more time, requires a portable pump in most cases.

To do the former, simply:

  1. Prepare an empty (or default) tank from the Tank Dispenser.png tank dispenser. Insert it into the Tank Compressor.png tank compressor.
  2. Wrench the PortablePump.png portable pump / Canister.png canister filled with the experiment gas (preferably cooled) to the input port (green pipe) Atmos Connector.png connector of the tank compressor.
  3. Maximize the input rate and activate the compressor using the UI (left click the machine)
  4. Set the Atmos filter.png filter to filter only the experiment gas and turn it on.
  5. Move the original canister/pump with the experiment gas to the side node of the filter.

To do the latter,

  1. Prepare an empty (has to be empty) tank from the Tank Dispenser.png tank dispenser. Empty it with the PortableScrubber.png portable scrubber.
  2. Prepare a PortablePump.png portable pump (canister is not recommended here) filled with the experiment gas (preferably cooled).
  3. Put the empty tank in the portable pump, pump until the mole number you want is reached.
    P = nRT/V
    n being the mole that you want (preferably the target mole in the NT Frontier), R being the ideal gas constant (8.31), T being the temperature of the portable pump, V being tank volume (70L), and P being the pressure that you want to set in the portable pump. Eyeballing this, however, is also perfectly fine.
  4. Insert the filled tank into the tank compressor.
  5. Grab a canister of gas that doesn't react with the experiment gas from the gas storage (N2 Canister.png Nitrogen tends to be rather stable and thus is recommended).
  6. Wrench the new canister into the input port, turn on the compressor and maximize it.
  7. Set the Atmos filter.png filter to filter only the experiment gas and turn it on.
  8. Move the original pump with the experiment gas to the side node of the filter.

Try and pay attention to the pressure at which tanks leaks or explodes, we might revisit this concept again later.

Available Experiments
Experiment Name Accepted By
Nitrous Oxide Gas Shells Medical Partner, Ghost Writing
BZ Gas Shells Medical Partner, Ghost Writing
Hyper-Noblium Gas Shells Physics Partner, Ghost Writing

Explosivebombthatgoesboom.png Making Research Bombs


Useful knowledge: Heat capacity, pressure

A TTV does not explode on its own: it only connects two tanks. The tanks themselves explode.

The explosion depends entirely on how high the pressure is able to rise inside a tank before it destroys itself or leaks out. There are two main ways to do this:

Reactionless Explosions


Reactionless explosions are more often than not the easiest to produce. They work by letting a hot gas mixture heat up another gas mixture.

In order to do this effectively, we need to do two things:

  1. Put as much energy as possible to the system.
    The more energy we can fit into the first tank, the bigger the explosion.
  2. Make the resultant gas mixture extremely easy to heat up while packing as many moles as possible, I.E. low resultant specific heat capacity.
    The lower we can push the resultant gas mixture down, the bigger the explosion.


We need a hot gas with high specific heat capacity, and a cold gas with low heat capacity. The former will give more energy, while the latter will drive the resultant heat capacity down and allow more moles to be involved.

  • The easiest gas to obtain with a reasonably high heat capacity is Plasma Canister.png Plasma.
  • The easiest gas to obtain with a reasonably low heat capacity is N2 Canister.png Nitrogen or O2 Canister.png Oxygen. Though oxygen also burns with plasma, further adding to it's pressure. Read more on reaction explosions here

Procure both canisters and heat the plasma and cool the nitrogen/oxygen using a Freezer.gif thermomachine. Simply wrench the canisters to the connector port and adjust the thermomachine directly.

If a thermomachine is not available. you may relocate a thermomachine from the ordnance chambers or build a new one.

  • To do the former, Screwdriver tool.png screwdriver the thermomachine, and Wrench.png right-click with a wrench to unwrench it. Left-click with a wrench to rotate it if necessary.
  • To do the latter, build a machine frame, procure the circuit and necessary components, and build the thermomachine. Read more on construction here

You can flush a thermomachine's air contents by reconstructing it too!

After you procured the thermomachine, connect a Atmos Connector.png connector port to it's input node using a Rpd.png RPD.

Reaction-Based Explosions

Another method to make explosions is to have exothermic reactions occur inside them. The reactions will drive the temperature up, which in turn drives the pressure up, causing an explosion.

To generate very big theoretical explosions, you will need reactions, especially the very energetic ones like Tritium Combustion and Hyper-Noblium Formation. Both requires tritium which you should already have, if you don't read this.

Production of a Tritium Bomb


Tritium combustion have several main properties. Upon the opening of a valve, the tanks will allow exactly two reaction ticks before exploding. We also know that tritium combustion:

  1. Needs to happen above 100 Celsius.
  2. Needs 10 times the oxygen as tritium for the highest energetic burn.
  3. Consumes half as much oxygen than tritium burnt.
  4. Burns tritium at 5% of the oxygen each tick, up to half of the tritium per tick.
  5. Factor three and four means the number of oxygen burnt each tick 2.5% of the oxygen each tick, up to 25% of the oxygen each tick.

All of these factors have led that a 12.85% tritium 87.15% oxygen mixture to be an efficient choice, due to the unique interaction between the reaction ticks and the properties of the tritium burn itself.

In essence, the 12.85% tritium 87.15% oxygen mixture which contains more than 6 times oxygen as Tritium, allowing the burn to happen twice near peak efficiency, with as high reaction rate as one can get.

The first tick will consume around a third of the tritium and five percent of the oxygen. Paving the way for the second tick to also be energetic.

The second tick will consume half of the remaining tritium, leaving a third of the initial tritium left. Letting us make the biggest, baddest bomb possible.

A lower temperature for the tritium-oxygen mix means a higher reaction rate for the two ticks that are allotted to us, but also means a higher energy requirement to exceed the 100 Celsius threshold for the reaction to occur. Keep this in mind when you are upgrading your mix.


We want an 87.15% 12.85% mix of Oxygen and Tritium (in that order) in the payload tank.

A very common temperature to aim for is 43 Kelvins at 2533 kPa, which requires a hot plasma mix of around 800 Kelvins to heat the resultant up to 373.15 Kelvins. A hotter plasma mix is very often desirable here, since hotter plasma means a lower resultant heat capacity, which means a larger temperature increase, which means a larger explosion.

If you wish to follow this recipe, for the cold tank simply:

  1. Pump up to 325.5 kPa of 43.15 Kelvin tritium into a tank.
  2. Pump up to 2533 kPa of 43.15 Kelvin oxygen into a tank.
  3. Analyzer the resulting tank and make sure oxygen is above 65.52%

Production of a Hyper-Nob Bomb


Hyper-Nob bombs are made using their formation reaction, which when unmoderated by BZ releases a lot of energy. This formation involves N2 Canister.png Nitrogen and also Tritium.png Tritium.

There are a few notable properties about this reaction:

  1. Can only occur below 15 Kelvins.
  2. Consumes nitrogen at twice the rate of tritium. Moderated by BZ but we will not include BZ in this mix at all so it's safe to ignore.
  3. The consumption rate for Nitrogen is equal to 10% of the pooled Nitrogen + Tritium mole count. Tritium consumption is half of this.

Since this reaction occurs on very low temperatures and is incredibly exothermic, it will only happen on one tick. This means we will need to make the first tick occur with as much reaction rate as we can.

If we pay attention to how the reaction rate works with the mole consumption, we can see that we will not need to fill the payload with 50% Tritium as this is incredibly wasteful. It is possible to pad out the reaction with Nitrogen to drive the reaction rate high enough so that all of our tritium is consumed, netting us the most tritium-efficient Hyper-Nob burn possible.

This ratio works out to be 95-5 Nitrogen-Tritium. The burn will consume Nitrogen equal to 10% of the total mole count and more importantly Tritium equal to 5% of the total mole count, leaving us with a full Tritium consumption. Most of the Nitrogen will be left unreacted, but the station has an abundance of Nitrogen so it should be relatively easy to replenish it.


For this, we will need a significant amount of cooled N2 Canister.png Nitrogen and also Tritium.png Tritium.

Nitrogen is already available, so grab a canister from the gas storage and cool it down to below 15 Kelvins on an upgraded Freezer.gif freezer (Tier 3 parts or better)

Tritium on the other hand needs to be made first, so read up on Tritium Synthesis if you haven't. You will also need to cool it down to below 15 Kelvins using an upgraded freezer.

Optional: A padding gas like CO2 Canister.png Carbon Dioxide or O2 Canister.png Oxygen can also be used to have more moles in the mix and thus more pressure once the bomb reacts, producing a bigger explosion. Just make sure they are also cooled to below 15 Kelvins or else they might make the resultant gas mixture too hot to react.

The target mixture is 95-5 Nitrogen-Tritium, we cannot combine both of them inside a tank like in the tritium bomb cold mix, since they will start reacting and explode. So we need to put them in separate tanks. To do this simply:

  1. Pump up to 2533 kPa of 13 Kelvin Nitrogen to a tank.
  2. Pump up to 127 kPa of 13 Kelvin Tritium to another tank.
  3. (Optional) Brim the Tritium tank with 13 Kelvin Carbon Dioxide or Oxygen.
  4. Analyzer both of the tanks and make sure both of them are below 15 Kelvins and the Nitrogen mole count is about 19 times the Tritium.

Extra note: Unlike the tritium burn reaction, messing up the mole count and the ratio of this mixture is not as debilitating. Your bomb might still be able to explode even if you have a little too much Nitrogen or Tritium, as long as the temperature is below 15 Kelvins.

Using Research Bombs

So, you made your mix and are here to test it? Great. Let's get you started.

Plasma tank.png Guide to TTV Assembling

Screwdriver tool.png Screwdriver your desired assembly to loosen it, and with it in hand hit the TTV. If you need to adjust it afterwards simply use the TTV in hand and press the gear button in the UI.

There are two primary methods for detonating bombs remotely and safely, namely the timer and the remote signaling device.

  1. The timer is self-explanatory. It will detonate the TTV after a certain time has passed. You can start the countdown by using the aforementioned gear button.
  2. The remote signaling device will open the valve once a signal with a matching frequency and code is sent. Attach one to your TTV, adjust the frequency and/or code, send the bomb to the satellite, and with another signaler send the matching combination.
    Some jokers like to randomly signal the default frequencies of these devices so before you attach one to a bomb, you'll want to change the frequency and/or code so that you don't get a nasty surprise.

To attach the OxygenTank.png Plasma tank.png tanks, hit the TTV with it in hand. If you need to detach it afterwards simply use the TTV in hand and press the eject button in the UI.

It might be a good idea to deal with the assemblies first before attaching the tanks to prevent accidental detonations.

Test Sign.png Testing Your Bomb

It is possible to test your bomb without actually losing it by fitting a finished bomb inside an Implosion compressor.gif anomaly refinery and using the Run Simulations tab in that machine.

If you are new or unsure about a particular bomb mix, it is recommended to always use an Analyzer.png analyzer on the cold and hot tanks before blowing them up. If you are asking for help from other people the information here will be crucial, and if you are already experienced you will immediately know why a bomb went dud.

Tachyon Doppler.gif Doppler Array

The doppler array is able to capture explosions directly in front of it (indicated by the red light). If the source of the explosion is a tank, it will provide possible causes. These causal data are used to publish papers.

To safely detonate a tank and capture it, you will need to head to the Ordnance Launch Site, put the TTV in the Mass Driver.gif Mass Driver chamber and interface with the Airlock Control Panel.png control button.

It might be useful to double check your doppler array to make sure it is on. Explosions that occur when the doppler array is off will not be recorded and will be wasted!

You can initiate a launch or open the door and test fire immediately for faster payload delivery. Once the TTV is in the bomb satellite and fully detonated (read the previous section for information on how to detonate your bomb), insert thePortable Hard Drive.pngdata disk into the doppler array and print it.

The requirement for the experiments can be read on NT Frontier, complete with available tiers and the target amount for them. Remember that the target amount only refers to the optimal explosion range for the experiment, not the minimum amount! If your range is too low from the target amount however, the experiment may not be published.

Available Experiments
Experiment Name Requirements Other factors allowed Accepted By
Low-Yield None Yes Mining Partner, Ghost Writing
High-Yield Must be from a tank Yes Defense Partner, Ghost Writing
Hydrogen Bomb Tritium Combustion and/or Hydrogen Combustion No Defense Partner, Ghost Writing
Noblium Bomb Hyper-Noblium Condensation No Physics Partner, Ghost Writing
Pressure Bomb Tank overpressurized before reaction No Defense Partner, Ghost Writing

Implosion compressor.gif Anomaly Refining

That funny-looking box in the ordnance launch room does more than just sit around. It's the main way of getting anomaly cores.

What's an anomaly core?

Flux core.gif Grav core.gif Anomaly core.gif Pyro core.gif Vortex core.gif

Anomaly cores are essentially an item with the special property of being able to exist only in a very small number (currently eight) per type. They're used to give functionality to several high-end research items, and can be obtained in one of two ways:

  • Defusing Anomalies with an Analyzer.png analyzer and Signaler.png signaler, or with an Anomaly Neutralizer.gif Anomaly Neutralizer
  • Buying raw cores from Cargo or using the random one's ordnance spawns with, and activating them in the Anomaly Refinery.

The refinery will first take the raw core, then accept a TTV with two tanks attached. If the mixture of the two tanks would have provoked a blast that fulfills its requirements, the refinery will rock the station with an equivalent effect of the actual blast, and the raw core will be spit out as a proper, activated core. You'll also get your TTV back, likely with one of the tanks gone. It's that easy!

Refining more cores will increase the needed blast radius, from 4 light tiles up to 20 light tiles, with increments of 2 per core.

Warningsign.png Final Warning

Seriously, don't go and randomly set bombs on the station if you aren't a syndicate or otherwise an antagonistic character, you WILL get job-banned or even permabanned.

If you manage to accidentally blow up or burn down ordnance and maybe even the surrounding Research department once or twice as a beginner, don't panic and just explain what happened to the admins who will likely contact you. They're usually an understanding bunch and know that mistakes happen. Just make sure to learn from them!

On the other hand, if you DO know what you're doing, the potential damage you can cause to the station can be extreme and sometimes irreversible, very likely changing the course of the round. There are VERY few instances where you can use these bombs as a weapon while being a normal non-antagonist crew member, and even when faced with a situation where it could be used to save the station, use it only as a last resort.

Don't Be This Guy

We call this one a Toxins Moment.

Well, shit.

Hey, at least you'll keep the Atmospheric Technicians busy for a bit.